Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Catch up Post

I have been doing so much the last few weeks it's been hard to do some posts!  Funny that in the winter when you have time to blog you usually have nothing to blog about.  The weather here has been crazy!  It will be in the 70ies for a few days and then we will get snow another.  Go figure.  We finally got some trees to plant in the backyard and the day Bryan has time to plant it is snowing on him.  Then a few days earlier Ty had his little pool out and was playing in it.  Then for a week
 we had decent weather but the day my dad could come to put in Ty's sandbox it rains like
 crazy.  It's rained everyday since then but the boys just play in the wet sand.  They can't stand to wait until it's all dry!  My parents promised Ty on this birthday 5 months ago to build a sandbox for him so he has been waiting a LONG time.  Something else we have been waiting for a long time for- my BASEMENT!!!  I finally got carpet!  Oh man I love my house.  With the basement we just doubled our livable space in this house.  I don't know what I will do with so much space!  My boys just did laps around our huge living room.  I haven't taken any pictures of it yet but I will soon.  The thing my boys love more then the sandbox is the lawn mower.  They both want to ride so bad on it that Bryan has to put Blake on his back and have Ty stand between his legs.  (See picture)  What a good dad.  My kids just love their dad.  I'm so lucky to have married someone who loves to play with his kids so much.  We wanted a riding lawn mover mostly for the speed of mowing our big yard but also so my kids can spend the time with him on the mower.  They both talk about the mower ALL the time.  It's nice for me too because I can work in the yard or whatever while they are mowing.  
On a more important note Sannette is doing better in the hospital.  She will still be there at least another week.  I don't know how my sister in law does it.  She is singing songs and talking up a storm.  She wants to get up and move around but she is tied to so many machines that its very hard to move her around.  I hope she can come home soon!  I can't wait to hug and kiss the sweet little thing!
At the park with my cousins and their kids.  We have a awesome park near here.  
My Carrhartt boys.  Blake wasn't excited to pose for a picture.  
I couldn't get Blake to get in but Ty loved it.  I can't wait to get his slip-n-slide out. 


blair and maisy said...

Oooooo a riding lawnmower sounds like a dream.

Mendon Packs said...

Cute pics! Congrats on the basement. That is so exciting!

Adam and Aubrey said...

Yay for your basement! You guys are awesome! The weather really has been nutty. Can't quite figure it out. Ugh! Your boys are so adorable! and I'm so glad to hear about your niece doing better. How scary.

Brittney said...

I am so jealous of your house! And a basement too! We are looking for a place and Micah wants a basement to finish but I don't know why he wants the work on purpose! And I am so loving your Carhart boys! My brother lives in Carhart!

And so glad to hear about your niece, hopefully things keep progressing well.