My dad's side of my family is HUGE- so when we have a family reunion we need a whole scout camp to put us. Ok so we aren't THAT big but at our recent family reunion we had about 120 people there. When my Grandma has 9 children, 68 Grandchildren and over 100 great grandchildren there is a big group of us. That doesn't even count spouses! My dad works for the Boy Scouts and has most of my life and we spent a lot of summers at the scout camp for our area when I was younger. Later when I was in high school we went back and worked there too. I have a lot of amazing memories there and was really excited to show Bryan and my boys a place that ment a lot to me growing up. And beyond that I had a lot of fun seeing my cousins that I haven't seen for a long time. I have so many my age that they are some of my closest friends.

The drive from our house to camp was LONG. But for a few hours we were driving through the mountains and the runoff in the river was amazing.

We ate at the pancake house in McCall and had a cinnamon roll bigger then my head.

When I used to work at camp I worked with my brother and 4 other cousins. I had many different cousins work up there the three years I did but this group worked my last summer. I have a picture of us in this same spot 9 years ago when we worked there. I wanted to recreate the moment.

My family.

My two year old at the waterfront.

These girls are the closest thing I have ever had to sisters. They are my cousins Kandace and Caitlin. They worked with me at camp too.

Things I miss about McCall:
Cinnamon rolls at the Christmas House
My Father's Place
Pranking the staff
Things I don't really miss:
Dak living
Outhouses (Were you there when the Pit was in operation?)
Looks like you had fun!
Looks like so much fun! So sad we missed it! And your not kidding when you say the Pack family is huge! Took me awhile to even comprehend how many cousins Micah had! And you really have some awesome family members!
Btw I love the top pic of your boys, so stinking cute with their matching pjs!
Love your new picture of them at the top! You look so good, remind me not to get a picture with you!
love the pictures!
(My mom actually bought the chairs at Smiths in Salt Lake...but she's seen them in the Logan Smiths, too)
and...congrats on the sweet little boy. How fun that you will have a little football team!
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