Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tales of mom who is trying to potty train .

So the other day I decided that Blake is going to be three this fall and with a baby coming on the heals of his birthday I should think about potty training. I know I know, he will revert as soon as the baby is born! My kid was potty trained at 2! Never potty train in the summer! Only potty train in the summer! Holy cow what advice is the right advice? None or all of it. As much as I love advice from people on potty training I have learned something important- what worked with their kid may not work with mine. And most important- potty training is for the birds. I remember thinking why do people wait so long to do it. Don't they hate changing poppy diapers? Of course they do! But after you clean your first pair or poppy underwear you would gladly change a bad diaper.

So I've jump right into to working with my two year old to go potty. My little guy, as cute as he is, is STUBBORN. He gets that from his dad. I know he knows what to do but he doesn't want to do it. So I didn't allow him to have on underwear or anything and low and behold- he pooped in his potty on his own. But like I said, he is stubborn. I have to put a diaper on him for nap and he fills it up. He won't go all morning and then goes in his diaper. But If I don't put one on him he would pee all over his bed. So we bought prizes and when he fills and line of stickers from going on his chart he gets to get a prize. He is been crying for his prizes EVERY TIME he goes potty. Nice. So we are on day 3 or 4, can't remember anymore. And I think he has gone a total of like 5 times. It's a start. The kid would rather pee his pants and sit in it then pull them down and pee in the grass. Not sure what to think about his kid! So we shall see, who will break first? The mom who is tired of buying and changing diapers, or the two year old.


Camey said...

lol. I have to laugh. We started today, since Clif is home to help. She went twice and then did the same thing during nap. We have the same stubborn kids! On a sad note, Spencer reverted back with his #2. AHH!

Meikjn said...

I am right there with ya. Leah is sporadic and we have been working on it for a while. Esther was one of those miracle 1 day no effort kind of kids, and so I thought what's the big deal? now I know.

Brittney said...

Ohhh man, good luck! That really sucks. I hate potty training we have been trying with Tai for over a year, and just barely we are having success. So good luck, and I totally agree with you what works for some doesn't work for all