Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I took Ty to a preschool screening just to make sure things were alright with him back in May. He had such a hard time following directions I thought there might be a problem which My husband gets upset with me saying that. I think I was inspired to take him because we would have never known he had problems. He did really good on most everything being above normal on a lot of it. Then we got his hearing test and he failed. I was thinking it just must be that he is making out to be a game and not telling the girls when he hears stuff. So they did more tests where they send this sound wave (or something like that) in his ear and record it coming back and he failed in both ears. My dad's side of my family has a history of hearing problems so I was worried this was going to be a life long thing for my little guy but I knew he could hear because he could hear me fine. His speech was really good when he was tested too so it wasn't effecting that yet. Anyway I took him into the ear nose and throat dr. and he found fluid in both ears that was causing his hearing loss. Now I think back on this entire year there were a lot of times I would call him and he wouldn't come and I would get mad at him for not listening. I'm sure he couldn't hear me. He would have me turn up the TV and repeat stuff but I never connected that to being a hearing loss. So we did a month of antibiotics to try to solve the problem but it didn't work (and I could tell, his hearing seemed to be worse) so we went back the the dr. and we decided surgery was needed. Not only did he need tubes in his ears but his adenoids and tonsils were huge causing some of the problem. We decided to get them both taken out and to put tubes in. I know that kids get tonsils out all the time but when it's YOUR kid it's different. The thought of my little baby laying asleep on a table while people were cutting things out of his throat really bothered me. I really had to gear up in my mind to get this done. Monday was the day of the surgery and we got there just before 9. I'm really glad Bryan was there with me because Ty is a daddy's boy and he loved being there with dad. For some reason our surgery ended up waiting a extra hour for the surgery then we though so thank goodness I brought lots of books and things for Ty to do in the mean time. I felt really calm about the actual surgery and was more worried about him getting put under then anything. Ty wasn't worried or scared at all though. I had talked to him about it and he was ok with everything (at least before the surgery). The dr. came in and said it was time Ty and took his hand and they left. I'm glad they didn't make it a big production. They didn't even give us a chance to hug him and make a big deal but I'm sure that was easier for him. He didn't make any sort of a fuss about it. They let him take his favorite bunny with him too. We didn't see him for about 45 mins after that and I was feeling pretty sick while he was gone. I knew they were working on my little baby and I kept thinking about when he was a newborn and so little and jaundice. He had dropped down to 5lbs 5 oz and was really jaundice and we had to get his heal pricked all the time to get him tested. I would hold him and cry as they tried to get blood from his heal. It was the same feeling I was having then thinking I know it's for his good but he is just a little guy and I don't want to inflict pain on him. Then we could hear a little kid crying and I told Bryan I thought it was Ty. We could still hear him and I knew it was my kid. So we peaked our head out the door and they were pushing him over in a bed and he was laying there balling and rolling in the bed. I was trying really hard not to cry because I knew Bryan would tease me (which I don't know maybe he felt the same way) and they asked us to go back in the room and they were going to bring him to us. They laid him in my arms and he wouldn't stop crying and coughing stuff up. He had mucus in this throat really bad and he HATED that so I bet we went though a whole box of tissues wiping his spit he kept spiting out. That went on for a hour or so and they took his IV out which made him happier and we got him in his normal cloths which he liked better too. He was still crying the whole time though. His face looked a little swollen and under his eyes were discolored. The Dr. came in to talk to us and said everything went really well and they found a LOT of fluid behind his ears. It was for sure hindering his hearing. I was happy to hear that because I was feeling so guilty about the whole thing. Bryan and I were doing out best to make the right decision for my little guy but to see him there in so much pain and knowing I choose that pain for him made me feel so guilty.
We were only there until about 12:30 and then we got to bring him home. I felt so bad putting him in our hot car after and driving home. I sat by him and just held his hand. Bryan ended up taking the rest of the day off because by the time we got his medicine and he calmed down a bit it was around 3. Bryan was so good with him. He hates when his kids are sick it just makes him sick. We laid him on our bed and let him watch tv. He didn't really sleep until about 6pm and he just laid there looking half asleep all day. It was awful. We couldn't even get him to smile or anything. He had been doing better every day since. I'm just waiting for his scabs to fall off his throat and the pain is going to come back again. He told Bryan the day of his surgery that I had lied to him when I told him he was just going to have a sore throat after his surgery. He said that it really hurt more then just a sore throat. The day after I was holding him and getting after Blake and he turned to me and said "mom you are really loud!" and I knew the surgery worked. I just laughed. When Blake screams (which is REALLY loud) he covers his ears and cries. He keeps asking me what that noise stuff is like my microwave beeping and the balloons hitting the ceiling. I'm glad we got the tubes and I'm sure when this is all over I'll be glad we did the other stuff too. I'm not a big fan of putting my kids through surgery. I would MUCH rather be doing it myself instead of them. I wasn't prepared for him to react like that after his surgery for some reason. I was thinking he would be kind of mad and then we would read books and color until we leave. Not hold a crying kid for a hour and a half. I wasn't prepared for the guilt I would feel either. I've been surprised how much he prefers his dad over me too. That makes me feel bad. I keep thinking he should want his mom over dad but he keeps asking to sleep by dad and not me and wants dad to hold him and not me. Now if I could only keep him from trying to fight with his brother and stop running around everywhere and take it easy. I just hope he continues to get more hearing back!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Dinosaur Park

Over the 4th weekend we had awesome weather so we decided to take our no AC car out and take the boys to a Dinosaur Park a hour away. Ty is been into dinosaurs ever since he learned about them in preschool so we thought the boys would like it. Ty was going a mile a minute running around that place. I know when he is having fun when he says stuff to me like "mom is this a great day?" of "I'm having a fun day mom." Which is much better then the times he asks to do something and we tell him now and get the response "you ruined my day." Ah the joys of being a mom. I don't know if we will go back anytime soon to the dinosaur park though just because we saw everything there is to see. But I'm glad we went.
My boys
One of the kids favorite parts was where they used brushes to uncover "dinosaur bones" in this sand pile.

That's Blake in there if you can't tell- we loved the little park they had their. Ty really went nuts. The boy isn't scared of much.
Since Bryan's mission he feels the need to pose riding every kid of animal statue we can find.
I wanted at least one picture of me. If I died today my kids would have no idea I spent 99.9% of their lives with them because there are so few pictures of me with them and lots with dad. I'm just always the one with the camera.
Enough said.

Ty did have his surgery Monday the 19th and I have a post coming where I wanted to talk about that. I just wanted to get caught up before I got ahead of myself. He is doing ok but is madder then a hornet.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


We have a traditon to go see the big fireworks show with Bryan's family every year and I was really looking forward to it this year. Bryan's sister and her 7 kids didn't come because my niece is about to have open heart surgery and needs to keep away so she doesn't get sick. None of us are sick but you never know what you kid has. Anyway we still had 8 kids there with three more babies on the way. Cousins are so much fun. My mom in law got some glow sticks for the kids too and they had a ball playing with them. I love fireworks. I felt bad Blake didn't get a nap in that day and feel asleep after only about 5 mins of fireworks.
If there is a John Deere near, so will be my boys
Glow sticks!
Sleeping Blake...
I don't know if I ever posted on here that Tyson is for sure having surgery to get tubes, his tonsils and adenoids out. He is still having a really hard time hearing and has fluid in his ears still. I hope it really helps his hearing. I swear the kid never ever listens to what I say to him. He does when dad tells him. I hope he just hears dad better then me but we will see. I'm just sick thinking about someone cutting into my sleeping little guy but I'll take his surgery over my nieces open heart surgery!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fun at the pool

We have had a great time going to the local pool this summer- especially my 4 year old. He is getting really brave with the water. Our dentist rents out the pool once a year for his patients so we went with the boys.

LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture. Every once in awhile I get a really good picture of my boys.

There are these cups that fill up with water and spill over when they are full- Ty loved that. That is him in the waterfall.

Dad with his buddy

The boys love the water slide

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I love the mountains

I'm getting behind again- but in my defense I have been trying to download these pictures for over a week but my internet hates me. For fathers day we drove up to the mountains and walked around for awhile. I love living near such a beautiful place!

He climbed all the way up with little help from Bryan. He was so proud.
My adorable boys. This is the best picture I could get of them. I can never get them to smile really nice at the same time.