We have a traditon to go see the big fireworks show with Bryan's family every year and I was really looking forward to it this year. Bryan's sister and her 7 kids didn't come because my niece is about to have open heart surgery and needs to keep away so she doesn't get sick. None of us are sick but you never know what you kid has. Anyway we still had 8 kids there with three more babies on the way. Cousins are so much fun. My mom in law got some glow sticks for the kids too and they had a ball playing with them. I love fireworks. I felt bad Blake didn't get a nap in that day and feel asleep after only about 5 mins of fireworks.

If there is a John Deere near, so will be my boys

Glow sticks!

Sleeping Blake...

Where was this at? We went to the Logan one when we were down there. Love you shirt and you can't even tell in that picture you are pregnant!
He probably does hear your husband better so rest easy, men's voices are usually a lower frequency which travels better through fluid :) I am sure the tubes will help a TON, great job momma for getting this done for him!
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