Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Dinosaur Park

Over the 4th weekend we had awesome weather so we decided to take our no AC car out and take the boys to a Dinosaur Park a hour away. Ty is been into dinosaurs ever since he learned about them in preschool so we thought the boys would like it. Ty was going a mile a minute running around that place. I know when he is having fun when he says stuff to me like "mom is this a great day?" of "I'm having a fun day mom." Which is much better then the times he asks to do something and we tell him now and get the response "you ruined my day." Ah the joys of being a mom. I don't know if we will go back anytime soon to the dinosaur park though just because we saw everything there is to see. But I'm glad we went.
My boys
One of the kids favorite parts was where they used brushes to uncover "dinosaur bones" in this sand pile.

That's Blake in there if you can't tell- we loved the little park they had their. Ty really went nuts. The boy isn't scared of much.
Since Bryan's mission he feels the need to pose riding every kid of animal statue we can find.
I wanted at least one picture of me. If I died today my kids would have no idea I spent 99.9% of their lives with them because there are so few pictures of me with them and lots with dad. I'm just always the one with the camera.
Enough said.

Ty did have his surgery Monday the 19th and I have a post coming where I wanted to talk about that. I just wanted to get caught up before I got ahead of myself. He is doing ok but is madder then a hornet.

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