Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


We went to my parents house the day before Thanksgiving to have our dinner this year then stayed over night. We have been super careful to not take the baby out with a lot of people so he won't get sick so we missed the big thanksgiving at my aunts. When Blake was only 3 weeks old he caught a fever and we ended up in the ER and staying at the hospital fo a few days. I've had enough of the hospital this year so we haven't got anywhere since the baby was born. My kids have been going crazy thinking about Christmas though. Blake asks me about every morning if it's Christmas yet.

A couple of days before Thanksgiving we had a HUGE snow storm so when Bryan was clearing off the driveway my boys went out with him. This is what they looked like coming back inside. Before you think I'm a horrible mother for having him out there just know he was only mad I was taking his picture. He loved being outside.

My attempt at a Christmas card picture.
He is just too sweet.
Stockton is getting really big! I swear he is going to eat me to death. I have to feed him all the time and still give him bottles sometimes. He is a lot more alert and looking around no a days. I did try the gripe water for his tummy troubles and it seems to help. He LOVES his brothers- he just stares at them when they are around. I wonder how we got along with out him!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

About my baby

My sleeping angel!

That blasted cord stub. I wish It were gone! I love how is finally getting a pot belly too.

It's interesting how different every kid is. The first couple of weeks with a newborn is always hard but once you get past the first month things usually go much better. I have a hard time with running on very little sleep. The funny thing is Stockton has slept for longer periods then my other boys ever did at this age. Which is only like 3-4 hours. He only does that every so often because usually it's every two. By the time I feed and change him though I get a hour in between feeding him so I feel like a zombie the next day. I have come to learn with this kid that if he has any poop in his diaper he freaks out. He won't let me feed him even if he is really hungry until I change that diaper so he will be screaming all the way though his diaper change. It's usually the only time he gets really upset.

For some reason I've had a hard time having enough milk for the poor little guy and we have had to give him bottles too. It's not the end of the world but it make me feel really bad when I took him to the dr. and he had lost some more weight since being in the hospital. I felt SOOOO bad. I got that news the day I found out my dad was having heart surgery the next day to put some stints in. He had two blocked valves. It was a hard day for someone who has been weepy from having a baby anyway. So I started pumping to get my milk up and trying to eat and drink better and by the end of the week (with the help of a bottle) we got his weight back up to 7 lb 2oz. Still below birth weight but more then when we left the hospital. I take him in for his two week appointment this week so I hope he has still gained more weight.

Stockton is a very gassy baby. I thought Blake was bad but Stockton may be worse. He grunts all the time and I have to help him burp or pump his legs for him to get it out. I think he has a little bit of acid reflux too because if I feed him and lay him down I can hear it coming back up his throat. He spits up a lot more then my other boys did but it's usually not tons at a time. I'm trying to hold him up after I feed him so it will settle in his stomach before I lay him down. That really sucks in the night because by the time I'm doing that he wakes up soon after. Makes for long nights.

The thing that has Bryan and I laughing the last couple of days is that his cord stub is still in and it STINKS! Holy cow my adorable little baby smells like road kill! I keep hoping it will fall out because if you put him by your face you can smell that dang cord. Don't worry- it isn't infected or anything. It's just rotten. I can't wait to really be able to bathe him too.

Whenever he is awake he will 99% of the time get hiccups. He had them all the time in my belly too so I knew he would. I bet he gets a bad case of them at least 3 times a day. They make him spit up and shake his entire body. I feel so bad for him but I don't know how to help him. They don't upset him too bad at least.

All in all Stockton is a very good baby. Most of the day in the small periods of time where he is awake he just looks around and it content. I can't get enough of holding him. The hardest part for me is my other kids end up get more neglected then usual. As in when they want lunch and I'm feeding the baby they have to wait until I'm done whenever that is. I feel bad for them but it's just life I guess.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

They don't get much sweeter then this-

I could just kiss him to pieces. I can't get over how cute he is. I love this little guy!
His hair looks really blonde when we stand it up.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

New and improved family

Our little Stockton is doing great! Bryan has been helping me a lot because I had blood pressure problems in delivery (again) and we are worried it will go up again now I'm home. My labor was great except for the medicine I had to be on for my blood pressure. I think it's a good treatment for terrorists if they need a new idea. I would much rather be on it then having a seizer though. I'll be typing the whole story on my pregnancy blog soon. It's private so if you want to read it give me your e-mail and I'll add you to the list.

Friday, November 5, 2010

He's here!

Meet the newest member of our family...
Stockton Lowell
Besides my blood pressure going up again everything went well. We are home and doing well. More to come later.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween and waiting...

Awhile ago I asked my Dr. if he would induce me early with my blood pressure issues with my boys in the past and he said he would two weeks early which would have been Nov. 1st. A couple of weeks ago I asked him about it again and he said if my blood pressure was okay he would wait another week. So yesterday I woke up feeling a little depressed that I wasn't going to have my baby that day. I had a appointment to go in today to have him strip my membranes and I was really thinking it might just work. (I've been 3cm for a couple of weeks now) but around 10 pm last night my husband caught the nasty stomach flu my boys had had a couple of days before. Then around 3-4 am I started with the flu too. Day from heck. I haven't been this sick for a really, really long time. So I had to cancel my apt. =( I guess it wasn't supposed to be that he came soon. Tell you what- it stinks to be 9 months pregnant with a horrible flu. I've thrown up in my day but to throw up this pregnant is painful. I'm so lucky that Bryan caught it before me though. He has really helped me today, even when he felt really sick too. I woke up from a nap later in the day and he had cleaned up my kitchen and living room after he ran to the store to get me stuff to eat and drink. HUSBAND OF THE YEAR! We haven't been sick at the same time since we were very first married. I am so grateful for his help!

I was kind of glad the baby didn't come on Halloween because I had a fun day with my boys. We trick-or-treated for about a hour and half around our neighborhood. I wore my pumpkin shirt and Bryan dressed up as Eminem. I really wish I would have grabbed a picture before he took it off when we got home. It rained on us a lot but the boys had a blast. I think Bryan had more fun then the little boys though. I can't wait to take the baby with us next year.
I opened the door the other night to find this pumpkin on our porch. A friend of ours made it from a picture he had of Bryan. I think he really looks like him!
My Grandma with the boys.

I'm so glad we were feeling well for Halloween. My kids loved it this year!