Awhile ago I asked my Dr. if he would induce me early with my blood pressure issues with my boys in the past and he said he would two weeks early which would have been Nov. 1st. A couple of weeks ago I asked him about it again and he said if my blood pressure was okay he would wait another week. So yesterday I woke up feeling a little depressed that I wasn't going to have my baby that day. I had a appointment to go in today to have him strip my membranes and I was really thinking it might just work. (I've been 3cm for a couple of weeks now) but around 10 pm last night my husband caught the nasty stomach flu my boys had had a couple of days before. Then around 3-4 am I started with the flu too. Day from heck. I haven't been this sick for a really, really long time. So I had to cancel my apt. =( I guess it wasn't supposed to be that he came soon. Tell you what- it stinks to be 9 months pregnant with a horrible flu. I've thrown up in my day but to throw up this pregnant is painful. I'm so lucky that Bryan caught it before me though. He has really helped me today, even when he felt really sick too. I woke up from a nap later in the day and he had cleaned up my kitchen and living room after he ran to the store to get me stuff to eat and drink. HUSBAND OF THE YEAR! We haven't been sick at the same time since we were very first married. I am so grateful for his help!
I was kind of glad the baby didn't come on Halloween because I had a fun day with my boys. We trick-or-treated for about a hour and half around our neighborhood. I wore my pumpkin shirt and Bryan dressed up as Eminem. I really wish I would have grabbed a picture before he took it off when we got home. It rained on us a lot but the boys had a blast. I think Bryan had more fun then the little boys though. I can't wait to take the baby with us next year.

My Grandma with the boys.
I'm so glad we were feeling well for Halloween. My kids loved it this year!
So sorry you got sick Heather. I remember I got the stomach flu 2 weeks before my daughter was born so I know how you feel. Hope your baby comes as soon as everyone is feeling good again :)
Cool pumpkin by the way!
I am so so sorry you have been so sick. 9 months pregnant is definitely enough to deal with. I'm so excited for your little one, though! He'll be darling!
and I love your pumpkin costume. that's awesome!
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