My sleeping angel!

That blasted cord stub. I wish It were gone! I love how is finally getting a pot belly too.
For some reason I've had a hard time having enough milk for the poor little guy and we have had to give him bottles too. It's not the end of the world but it make me feel really bad when I took him to the dr. and he had lost some more weight since being in the hospital. I felt SOOOO bad. I got that news the day I found out my dad was having heart surgery the next day to put some stints in. He had two blocked valves. It was a hard day for someone who has been weepy from having a baby anyway. So I started pumping to get my milk up and trying to eat and drink better and by the end of the week (with the help of a bottle) we got his weight back up to 7 lb 2oz. Still below birth weight but more then when we left the hospital. I take him in for his two week appointment this week so I hope he has still gained more weight.
Stockton is a very gassy baby. I thought Blake was bad but Stockton may be worse. He grunts all the time and I have to help him burp or pump his legs for him to get it out. I think he has a little bit of acid reflux too because if I feed him and lay him down I can hear it coming back up his throat. He spits up a lot more then my other boys did but it's usually not tons at a time. I'm trying to hold him up after I feed him so it will settle in his stomach before I lay him down. That really sucks in the night because by the time I'm doing that he wakes up soon after. Makes for long nights.
The thing that has Bryan and I laughing the last couple of days is that his cord stub is still in and it STINKS! Holy cow my adorable little baby smells like road kill! I keep hoping it will fall out because if you put him by your face you can smell that dang cord. Don't worry- it isn't infected or anything. It's just rotten. I can't wait to really be able to bathe him too.
Whenever he is awake he will 99% of the time get hiccups. He had them all the time in my belly too so I knew he would. I bet he gets a bad case of them at least 3 times a day. They make him spit up and shake his entire body. I feel so bad for him but I don't know how to help him. They don't upset him too bad at least.
All in all Stockton is a very good baby. Most of the day in the small periods of time where he is awake he just looks around and it content. I can't get enough of holding him. The hardest part for me is my other kids end up get more neglected then usual. As in when they want lunch and I'm feeding the baby they have to wait until I'm done whenever that is. I feel bad for them but it's just life I guess.
Oh man, is he cute or what? Call me anytime Blake needs to come play with Lydia so you can have some Stockton time. I've been thinking so much about you, but I guarantee if I call it will be right when you're falling asleep for a nap. Call me for anything Heather! He's such a sweetheart.
Hey Heather, you should try "Gripe Water" for the hiccups. My little girl got them all of the time and that stuff worked so well at calming them or completely stopping it. I just got it at Walgreens in the baby section. The brand I used was in a dark bottle with a purple label and cost just under 10$, but well worth it. Your little guy is adorable!
What a cutie. Man. Having a newborn freaks me right out. My first 2 weren't even bad, but I don't think I want to chance a 3rd crazy! I seriously get anxiety just thinking about the first 3 weeks! AAAH! And seriously. I hate the stump so bad. Funny that his stinks so bad! I don't know that I've ever had that! But they seriously suck. Only thing worse is the circ!
Makes me laugh because as I read this my baby is hiccuping. They both have it bad too. They also always smell like throw up because they spit up so much! Makes me sick! I miss talking to you!
* We use gripe water too. It is Baby Bliss.
* We use gripe water too. It is Baby Bliss.
he is so adorable heather ..cant wait to meet him soon
Oh he's a cutie. I know they say too just leave the cord alone, but I can't stand the grossness! I get Q-tips and hydrogen peroxide and clean it with that, and it's gone in no time (and the smell) without bothering them.
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