Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Stockons 1 year old pictures

Bryan and I took Stockton around the corner to his cool old fence and got a couple of pictures. I'm amazed I even got a couple of good ones! I hope I can get a few more tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Successful Hunt 2011

We kept hearing this year that there are very little deer up in the mountains after our crazy winter so Bryan wasn't expecting much with his hunt this year. Opening morning they hiked a lot and saw a couple of deer but didn't get to shoot at anything. Monday Bryan left at 3am (totally normal for a hunt for him) and went by himself (yes that worries me) and I got a phone call at 8am. I knew he must have got something. Blake has been checking on the antlers in my garage all day. He loves the deer! When Bryan brought it home they kept touching the head and the tongue. Yuck. I have too many boys.
Bryan's brother Joe on opening morning
Bryan's deer- I think it's 23 inches and a 5X6- I'm sure Bryan will correct me if I'm wrong
My hunter and future hunters
Isn't my husband hot?

If anyone wants deer jerky let me know. =)

Our Annual Halloween Party

For the last 3 or 4 years we have been doing a halloween party at my house with my nieces and nephews. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth doing with some of the kids getting so old but my kids love it so I keep doing it. I get A LOT of help from the family with the games and food so it's not so bad.
We usually get a photo of all the kids but didn't get one before people left so this is the only one I got! This is Ali and Stockton, they are only a couple of months apart.
We did crafts
Eating the donut off the string game
Joe won I'm pretty sure
Laycee and Sadie
Bobbing for apples
It was so full of candy it broke after like 5 little kids hit it but they didn't care after all the great candy came out. We watched the Disney version of the legend of sleepy hollow and the guys talked about their deer hunt that was the next day. Good times and good memories.

Pumpkin Walk

We made it to the pumpkin walk again this year. My mom was in town for UEA so she went with us along with my Grandma Jenkins. I was grateful for the help too! The weather was perfect and the kids (even Stockton) liked it.
Despicable me- one of our favorite movies

Winnie the pooh
You got to go see the witch to get your cookie!
Candy Land
Love this

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Stockton slept ALL NIGHT last night! It's the first time EVER! Yeah, he is going to be one in two weeks and I finally had a whole nights sleep. As much as I hate doing it- crying it out seems to be the only thing that works for my kids.

(Tyson took this picture of Stockton- I have about 50 more like this on my camera)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Batman Party!

Blake's 4th birthday!
A couple of days before his birthday he got this headband at preschool.
I worked a long time on this cake even though it doesn't look like it. Blake liked it so that's all that mattered.
He is really into riding bikes lately so Bryan and I got him a new bike. He rides it all the time.

We had a friends party for Blake this year and counting Ty and Blake we had 11 kids here. A lot of my sister in laws and Bryan's brother Cory stayed around to help besides having Bryan and I. I know for sure I couldn't have pulled it together without all their help.
Each kid made a superhero mask when they got to the party.
Musical Chairs
Bryan and I stayed up the night before blowing up (don't worry we had a air compressor helping) about 150 balloons to fill in this little storage room. I put prizes on the floor and let them go in and find a prize. We invited some of Blake's younger cousins which was way fun but it's hard to explain to them to wait a turn or let it be someone else's turn so instead of having them take turns with other kids I had a few kids that really never left the room. I didn't care though because the little ones just wanted to play in the balloons so it didn't really matter anyway.
I think the hightlight for a lot of the kids was shooting the "joker". We dressed Bryan up as the joker and let the kids shoot him with silly string.

Blake getting the "joker" with silly string. Some of the little kids were a little nervous at first but when they knew it was Bryan they went after him.
Ok so I know that isn't batman but Blake was excited about the spiderman pinata we found so we went with that. What kid doesn't like a pinata?
Lily with her superhero mask on. She had it on the whole party!

Blake is really into blowing out his candles- what 4 year old isn't? And my little nephew who is 2 1/2 isn't old enough to understand that he doesn't get to blow out the candles and started going to town on Blake's cake. I saw it coming but thought Blake would beat him to it and it wouldn't be a problem, but it was. Poor Blake started to cry so we lit them again and he got to blow them out.
Opening presents
He did get to blow out his candles at Grandma Palmers house later that day with the whole family. I didn't feel like making another cake so we just bought one.
My parents came Sunday and I loved this picture of my boys with Blake's present. Stockton really wanted to get in on the action.