Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Successful Hunt 2011

We kept hearing this year that there are very little deer up in the mountains after our crazy winter so Bryan wasn't expecting much with his hunt this year. Opening morning they hiked a lot and saw a couple of deer but didn't get to shoot at anything. Monday Bryan left at 3am (totally normal for a hunt for him) and went by himself (yes that worries me) and I got a phone call at 8am. I knew he must have got something. Blake has been checking on the antlers in my garage all day. He loves the deer! When Bryan brought it home they kept touching the head and the tongue. Yuck. I have too many boys.
Bryan's brother Joe on opening morning
Bryan's deer- I think it's 23 inches and a 5X6- I'm sure Bryan will correct me if I'm wrong
My hunter and future hunters
Isn't my husband hot?

If anyone wants deer jerky let me know. =)

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