Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Our Annual Halloween Party

For the last 3 or 4 years we have been doing a halloween party at my house with my nieces and nephews. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth doing with some of the kids getting so old but my kids love it so I keep doing it. I get A LOT of help from the family with the games and food so it's not so bad.
We usually get a photo of all the kids but didn't get one before people left so this is the only one I got! This is Ali and Stockton, they are only a couple of months apart.
We did crafts
Eating the donut off the string game
Joe won I'm pretty sure
Laycee and Sadie
Bobbing for apples
It was so full of candy it broke after like 5 little kids hit it but they didn't care after all the great candy came out. We watched the Disney version of the legend of sleepy hollow and the guys talked about their deer hunt that was the next day. Good times and good memories.

1 comment:

blair and maisy said...

I think Halloween parties are even funner as you get a little older!