Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, January 28, 2012


The many faces of Gorden- 

We see Blake's make this face quite often.  But he turns into my little sweetheart soon after.  I kind of feel like he is already my forgotten child because he is so good to go play by himself during the day I have to make it a point to sit and play with him during the day. Stockton demands me be around him all the time so it's hard to remember my good natured little Blake.   He loves preschool and knows almost all of his letter sounds. He is only my cuddle buddy.  He doesn't like to snuggle with many other people.  Blake loves to play batman and star wars.  He got a light saber for christmas and he usually sleeps with it at night- you know in case any bad guys come in his room he is ready for them.  He still loves basketball and can dribble a ball 60 times in a row already.  He's kind of a natural at sports it seems like. He loves our new Wii and his favorite is wii resort doing the sword fighting game. He always has rubber bands in his wrist.  I asked him why he does that and all he says is that he loves them that's why.  He can't wait for it to warm up so he can ride his bike again.  I love my little Blondie.

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