When did I get so old? My oldest, Tyson, just turned 6 on January 3rd. I feel bad for him every year that he had such a crapy time for a birthday. Christmas is barely over and here comes his birthday. He was due on the 25th of January but my blood pressure sky rocked to 155/110 so they induced me. They were warning me about how he might not be breathing when he came out and how he might not eat. After 17 hours of horrible labor (mainly due to the mag sulfite I was on to combat my BP, nothing to do with pain. Thank you epidural!) he finally came around 11 am on the January 3rd. He was 6 lbs even. He looked like a old man with very wrinkly knees and elbows but was cute as can be. He was breathing really rapidly at first so they watched him for a hour or so before I got to really see him to make sure he was doing ok. Bryan would hate me for saying this but aside from seeing my son for the first time the other thing I will never forget was the reaction of my husband when Ty was born. He got emotional and was instantly totally smitten with the little guy. For the first day I barely held him (my Mag medicine was HORRIBLE and made me really sick was a most of the reason) but Bryan couldn't get enough of him. Ty dropped down to 5 lbs 5oz in the week to follow and had jaundice pretty bad. I remember watching him lay on the light bed strapped to it and I just cried and cried that I couldn't even hold my baby. He just starred at me. He was ALWAYS a goer. Even in my belly he moved and kicked all the time. He never kept blankets on him because he would kick out of him. He still doesn't stay in one spot for very long.
I feel bad for him that he is my oldest and we are learning how to be parents with him. We have always been harder on him without meaning to. Ty is a very caring and loving little guy. He always thinks of others and not just himself. When I'm having a hard day he will disappear for awhile then surprise me by picking up toys in his room or cleaning my kitchen stools. Tyson is SMART! He is reading books at school to me (you know the beginning reader ones) and even though it's hard to get him to do his homework he has a easy time with it once he starts it. School isn't his favorite but it's getting better now he is making more friends. Blake and Ty like to play a lot together now. They fight a lot too but what brothers don't? They wrestle all the time. I keep thinking how in a few years I will have FOUR BOYS wrestling in my house. Heaven help me- my house will be destroyed.
We didn't do anything too excited for his birthday. The day before we took him to the fun park and let him play on the play land area and he loved that. We had cousins come over for cake later and to play. He loved the presents he got. I told him I would make anything he wanted for dinner and he wanted "flat pancakes" (crepes). I love my little guy. I can't believe he is 6!
Tyson's ugly cake. I tried to make my own frosting for it and did NOT WORK. It just ran and ran down the side of the cake. I won't do that again. He liked it though so that's all that matters.
I told him to hold up 6 fingers... it's kind of hard to see number 6.
My mom bought him this house to color and he loves it! It's so cool!
He is 6 already!!!! Man time so flies! And I think it is so sweet that Bryan teared up when he met Tyson! Loved the post, glad he had a fun birthday!
I actually was going to ask if you bought that cake in the store until I read. It is SOOO cute! Looks lie fun! You are such a good mom!
6?! You old woman!! haha. Totally kidding. When and how did we get old enough to have kids this old?! I can't believe how fast time flies. He's such a handsome little guy. I totally think all us parents are just harder on the first. We're learning on them, poor kids. Your cake looks great! Don't be so hard on yourself! And it really is a total bummer for kids born in January! hahaha. Kona is feb, and I think that sucks! haha. Happy birthday Tyson!
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