Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, June 22, 2012


Stockton's nick name has evolved a lot.  We've called him a lot of different names but lately he his Stocko Pako.  

Stockton is saying "no no no!" at the end of this video.  Bryan taught him that when he says "what does mommy say?" he says "no no no" and wags his finger.  
 covered in mud and playing with his cousins
 holding hands with Laycee
I love my crazy toddler!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

June Happenings

I was trying to do laundry the other day but my basket was just too much fun to play in. 

 Stock was laying on the couch and so I put Brett next to him.  He started babbling to him like Brett could understand what he was saying and then put his arm around him.  I hope they grew up to be good friends.  I'm sure they will fight a lot and wrestle like brothers do but I hope in the end they will be glad they are so close in age.  I am always feeling so horribly guilty that Stockton had to grow up so fast and not be the baby anymore.  Bryan thinks I'm silly for saying that but I think a lot of mom's feel guilty about this or that but lately I feel so guilty about stuff it's giving me anxiety. I'm actually having physical symptoms of anxiety. I'll be making lunch and I can hear the baby start fussing and I just need one more minute to finish what I'm doing then I'll get to the baby.  I then feel really guilty that I need to be picking Brett up and I'm not.  On the other end if I'm feeding Brett and the boys need me for something I always have to tell them in a minute that Blake told me the other day "you always say in a minute".  Ugh. I'll be out in my garden picking strawberries wondering if the baby in inside screaming and I'm not with him or that Stockton want's to play outside but it's windy and I can't take the baby out. If I need to go somewhere with all my kids it's like a 45 min process to get everyone dressed, ready and fed before we go.  I wish I wasn't so frazzled so I could just sit back and enjoy my boys.  They are so much fun!  Brett is sweetest thing ever and I can't get enough of Stockton.  He is so cute the way  he babbles to me like I should know what he is saying.  When he walks it's almost like he is trotting around.

 Stockton with is Elmo. He was walking my house hugging his little Elmo. 
My little monkey.  =) He is starting to get really chunky!  He is starting to sort of smile at us. He is 8 weeks old and we have yet to see a real, serious smile. He goes to bed at 11- then he wakes up at 3 and 6 usually.  If only I would quit falling asleep holding him for a few hours .

Monday, June 18, 2012

Tyson rides a bike

My sweet tyson has had the hardest time with riding a bike.  He would get so frustrated he would quit.  I finally told him unless he really tried he couldn't play the Wii anymore and he started to really work at it.  One day he was yelling for me outside and he went one day going a food on the bike to all the way down the driveway. I was so proud of him! Later that day Bryan asked him how he figured it out and he told him he prayed to know how to ride his bike.  That night he had a dream that you had to move the handle bars back and forth and that he knew he would be able to do it.  He said it so matter of fact too.  What an amazing little boy!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Memorial Day

Every year everyone that can in the Palmer family meet up at the graves together.
 I buy flowers for my boys to put on the graves themselves- I want them to learn it's important.
 This was the closest thing to a family picture we have. We are at my grandpa Packs grave. 
This is my great grandpa Jenkins grave and I posted it just to see Blake.  Man this boy is for sure Bryans!  I didn't know he did that until after.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Ty vs Stock

Everyone always asks what boys looks like what other of my boys- well Stockton really looks like Ty did at 18 months.  See for yourself! 

This is Stockton- I'm annoyed this picture is blurry but I love it so I posted it anyway.  
 Tyson- Man I love those blue eyes!

 Tyson still love otter pops


They are growing up way too fast!  I keep feeling like I robbed Stockton of his babyhood when I got pregnant with Brett because he seemed to all of the sudden grow up when I had Brett. 

My graduate

This was how old Ty was when Bryan started school...

Now he is 6 1/2 years later and Bryan is all done!
Bryan just finished his operations management degree from Utah State University. For someone who worked full time +, built a house, a growing family and a crazy wife to deal with he has done so well!  I can't begin to tell him how proud of him I am.  His degree means so much more then mine.  I was single all but my last semester of school so I never had to juggle home, family, work and school like he did.  I have so much more respect for people who went to school with a family then while single.  It is so much harder! I'm so glad this chapter of our life is done.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Photo Book

Start your own Shutterfly Photo Book today.
My 2011 family photo book.  Not too fancy or anything special but it's done!

Stocks Surgery

 I was really worried about my poor little guy being terrified of surgery and of the dr's more then the surgery itself but he did pretty good.  This is Stock before surgery.  He would cry when ever a nurse would come in and try to listen to his heart or anything like that.  We had to wait a long time before the actual surgery but then as soon as they took him from us it seemed like he was back.  That's the part that broke my heat because when we walked down to where they were going to take him he was holding onto me and I had to pry him off me to hand to the dr.

I only took one picture of him after surgery because he was pulling my hair and smacking me in the face.  Weird reaction to coming out of surgery for him he never pulls my hair.  I'm so glad it's over!  I'm already noticing him saying a few more words and responding to me more.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Brett's Blessing

Bryan gave Brett a beautiful blessing last Sunday.  We had my brother, dad, Bryan's dad, brother Joe, brother in law's Brad and Ron, our Friend Brett McEvoy (who he is named after) and bishop in the circle.  I hope I didn't forget someone.  Lucky for me I made it though another blessing without a baby throwing up or pooping all over my blessing outfit.  

I keep feeling like Brett is such a special little boy. That he is going to do so much good in the world.  I felt like that will all my boys I guess but I really felt like it with him during his blessing.

My great grandma Mae made this booties and the blanket he is laying on. 
My boys all ready to head to church. 
Stockton had enough of pictures after taking one.  My older boys were ok to pose.   I feel REALLY BAD though because every kid we get a family picture after their blessing but we didn't get one with Brett.  Actually we have yet to get a good family picture at all and Brett is 5 weeks old.  Bryan for some reason is being really stupid about it.  I just want one where you can see everyones face is that too much to ask?

Brett I love you son! I can't wait to see the kind of person you grow up to be!

PS Brett slept from 11 to 5am last night!  I couldn't believe it! I've NEVER EVER had a baby this little do that. In fact they usually do that once or twice then never again until they are one.  Lets hope Brett keeps it up! But I won't be holding my breath.  I'm just grateful for today I feel rested for once!