Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, June 21, 2012

June Happenings

I was trying to do laundry the other day but my basket was just too much fun to play in. 

 Stock was laying on the couch and so I put Brett next to him.  He started babbling to him like Brett could understand what he was saying and then put his arm around him.  I hope they grew up to be good friends.  I'm sure they will fight a lot and wrestle like brothers do but I hope in the end they will be glad they are so close in age.  I am always feeling so horribly guilty that Stockton had to grow up so fast and not be the baby anymore.  Bryan thinks I'm silly for saying that but I think a lot of mom's feel guilty about this or that but lately I feel so guilty about stuff it's giving me anxiety. I'm actually having physical symptoms of anxiety. I'll be making lunch and I can hear the baby start fussing and I just need one more minute to finish what I'm doing then I'll get to the baby.  I then feel really guilty that I need to be picking Brett up and I'm not.  On the other end if I'm feeding Brett and the boys need me for something I always have to tell them in a minute that Blake told me the other day "you always say in a minute".  Ugh. I'll be out in my garden picking strawberries wondering if the baby in inside screaming and I'm not with him or that Stockton want's to play outside but it's windy and I can't take the baby out. If I need to go somewhere with all my kids it's like a 45 min process to get everyone dressed, ready and fed before we go.  I wish I wasn't so frazzled so I could just sit back and enjoy my boys.  They are so much fun!  Brett is sweetest thing ever and I can't get enough of Stockton.  He is so cute the way  he babbles to me like I should know what he is saying.  When he walks it's almost like he is trotting around.

 Stockton with is Elmo. He was walking my house hugging his little Elmo. 
My little monkey.  =) He is starting to get really chunky!  He is starting to sort of smile at us. He is 8 weeks old and we have yet to see a real, serious smile. He goes to bed at 11- then he wakes up at 3 and 6 usually.  If only I would quit falling asleep holding him for a few hours .

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