Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, June 1, 2012

Brett's Blessing

Bryan gave Brett a beautiful blessing last Sunday.  We had my brother, dad, Bryan's dad, brother Joe, brother in law's Brad and Ron, our Friend Brett McEvoy (who he is named after) and bishop in the circle.  I hope I didn't forget someone.  Lucky for me I made it though another blessing without a baby throwing up or pooping all over my blessing outfit.  

I keep feeling like Brett is such a special little boy. That he is going to do so much good in the world.  I felt like that will all my boys I guess but I really felt like it with him during his blessing.

My great grandma Mae made this booties and the blanket he is laying on. 
My boys all ready to head to church. 
Stockton had enough of pictures after taking one.  My older boys were ok to pose.   I feel REALLY BAD though because every kid we get a family picture after their blessing but we didn't get one with Brett.  Actually we have yet to get a good family picture at all and Brett is 5 weeks old.  Bryan for some reason is being really stupid about it.  I just want one where you can see everyones face is that too much to ask?

Brett I love you son! I can't wait to see the kind of person you grow up to be!

PS Brett slept from 11 to 5am last night!  I couldn't believe it! I've NEVER EVER had a baby this little do that. In fact they usually do that once or twice then never again until they are one.  Lets hope Brett keeps it up! But I won't be holding my breath.  I'm just grateful for today I feel rested for once!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Thank you so much for the gogurt and tonsil advice (I am sooo nervous about the surgery!) So...if you have ANY other advice please pass it along-no matter how insignificant it might seem:)

...and oh my goodness have i been out of the loop!! I cannot believe sweet little Brett is HERE!!! He's darling-of course! You're a wonderful mother (and a wonderful friend!)