I got really lucky this year because my mom came to visit for most of the week the week of my birthday. It was so nice to have a extra set of hands!
Let me back up for a sec. Gord had preschool the day before- his first day! And he was SOOO excited! He goes to the preschool that is next to my house with our neighbor. He had to ware his very favorite Angry birds shirt that he wants to have on every day. He helped me make sure it was all clean and ready to go for him. I took him outside to take his picture and I hear Stockton start crying after I got a couple of pictures done. Stockton pulled off part of his big toenail coming off our front porch so I had to send Blake over to school alone because Stock was bleeding everywhere. I still feel bad about that. He was so excited about his first day and I had to put it on the back burner to help Stockton out. I hope he didn't care. He is doing really good with school. I'm so proud of him! He has a lot of little friends he tells me all about.
The day before my birthday Tyson made me this necklace:
He is the sweetest thing! He is always trying to make life a little easier for me. He came up with the idea and did it himself. Bryan didn't know what it was and threw it away later but at least I got a picture of it with my boy.We went to the fair grounds for a picnic dinner with G-pa and G-ma Jenkins. When I was younger and would come visit in the summer for a couple of weeks they would do this with me all the time and I loved it. Brought back a lot of good memories. I'm glad Grandpa felt well enough to come!
It is so hard to get a good picture of my kids. They just never all look at the camera. Especially to get Stockton to hold still long enough for a picture.
Bryan really did well this year for my birthday! We met up at Olive Garden for dinner while my mom had the older three boys. Then he invited his family over for cake. This was my birthday cake:
My boys LOVED it! Especially Blake. I thought it was funny. I was going to make Bryan a princess cake for his birthday but the boys didn't like that idea. I'm pretty sure there will be very little pink in this house ever. Bryan got me a gift card to Kohls so I can get what I want and some perfume. My parents bought me a BEAUTIFUL picture of the Logan temple. I'm pretty sure the picture of me standing next to it is on my mom's phone though... Well here's to the last year of my twenties!
I love the cake. I am not telling Cory about it because he would love the idea!
Haha...I laugh just seeing the pic of your cake. I love the title of your blog...Boys, Toys and Lots of Noise, It is so fitting and cute. I also love that you have some pics of you with your kids...I need to do more of that:)
Happy late birthday! I love your shirt! And that cake is too funny! It was great seeing you guys this summer! I hope to see you soon! Love that picture of Brett!
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