Few things in this entire world are cuter then my little Stockton. He has the sweetest personality and does such funny things but I swear he is going to be the death of me! He is a NUT!
He has finally started to really talk. He repeats the last word you say all the time. For example "Stock pick up that Toy." He says Toy, stuff like that. But he is saying bigger words too. We got Ty a pirate outfit for halloween and he started saying Pirate. Then when Blake was bothering him the other day he told him to "quit it." My favorite is when I was singing to him he put his finger up to his mouth and said "shhhh! Mama shhh." When you scare him he tells you shhhh too. That one is mostly to Bryan when he is chasing him around the house. I bet he adds 25-30 words a week to his vocab. It's like dam of words finally broke and is spilling out and I love it!
We are more of a wendy's family but Blake got this a burger king when he went to the fire station with preschool then to get a ice cream there after. Stock wore it a lot that day.
So Stockton feels the need to be in the front seat whenever he can get into my van. I can always tell if he sat there because the lights turn on and the radio is loud. He gets mad when I make him sit in his chair. He really likes the automatic sliding door and pushes the button for it when he can. The other day he thought he needed to help it shut too but had his thumb in the way and it closed on it. It dented it pretty bad but he is using it fine.
Stock has a bad habbit of thinking he needs to climb into my jetted tub in my master bathroom, alone, and turn the water on to splash in it. This one really scares me because he could step on the drain and fill the tub up. I usually catch him pretty quick and now just keep my bathroom door shut at all times to keep him out but he is a quick little guy. He was wearing footie pj's on night and came into my kitchen with his feet wet. We followed his trial of footprints to my tub where he must have climbed in (in the dark) turned on the water, played for a sec and climbed out. He did it in a few minute time span too.
Stockton loves watching little movies on the computer. Mostly muppets, pixar shorts, wiggles etc. It's usually how I get him to hold still while I cook dinner. He dances around to it and sings along. I'm actually not sure why he is crying in this picture-

A couple of weeks ago we all got this horrible, horrible cold with a bad cough. Brett and I started with it, then Bryan and then Blake. Ty sort of had it but it wasn't too bad. Then all of the sudden Stockton went from running around one day to high fevers and not wanting to talk or move off the couch. I ran him into instacare because no one else had had a fever with it and it worried me. His oxygen was 94, 95 and he should have been around 100. The dr. looked into his ears and throat (Stock was a wild cat about it, he hates the dr) and the dr felt like he needed a x-ray to make sure it wasn't pneumonia. To get a x-ray of a little kid they have to hold still so they put him in this brace then with his arms above his head and facing something to where he couldn't see. He was SCREAMING and so upset. I felt so, so bad. I just cried. The poor little guy was so sick and you can't explain to a 2 year old why they have to do that. Well he did have pneumonia but it was only a little spotty so wasn't too bad. I get him home and he is on my couch and fall asleep holding his sucker from his x-rays. He held on to it for like 3 hours.

I was looking at him while he was laying down and I could see something white in his nose. I thought it was weird so I push on his nose and I could tell it was hard. I went and got Bryan off the lawn mower and he came in and tried to pull it out. It started to got farther up his nose so we decided to run him to the Dr. AGAIN to get it out. The dr. that morning had never looked in his nose and didn't catch it. Can you imagine the dr. being like "uh miss, your child has a eraser stuck up his nose." and me being like "oh really?" MOTHER OF THE YEAR! I'm guessing it was in there for a day or two because I saw him playing with the mechanical pencils and it was the eraser (a full new one) that was up there. I lucked out that I didn't have to take him back up to instacare but my dr.'s office does a kids care on Saturday and it was our normal dr. that was there. I told Dr. Brown I was SO HAPPY to see him there. I knew he could get it out. I was worried they would have to put him out or we would have to see a ENT to get it out. It was sort of a good thing he was sick because he was too tired to fight much and dr. Brown was able to pull it out in a couple of minutes. He was just about to go home too so we were really blessed to catch him.

The afternoon didn't get too much better for poor Stock. He was running a 102 fever on Morton and I've never had a kid fever on that. I put him in the tub and gave him Tylenol on top of the other and it finally went down enough he started acting better. He was talking to me and wanting to drink a little bit. They gave me a breathing treatment for him but he would freak out when we gave it to him. Bryan left for work that night until midnight so I was scared to have all 4 alone because Brett feels he needs to be held all the time but I needed to help Stockton. Brett, for the first time in a month, took a 3 hour nap so I could help Stockton or just hold him. God always seems to do that for me. When things are really hard he does something to help me get though it.
He was acting better the next day and a couple of days layer you wouldn't even know he was sick. What a blessing it didn't get any worse!
He LOVES otter pop's and our tramp. I love his hair. I've been letting it grow long because I love his blonde hair but he is starting to get a mullet so we are going to have to cut it soon. =(
He's throwing a potato- look how he is throwing it.
He is always putting things in his mouth- money, rocks, toys, anything he can find. He also is a climber. He gets on my kitchen table and climbs in our bouncy chair or on top of my washer to play in the sink. I found him in my bathroom, in the sink, playing with Bryan's razor.
I know I sound like a horrible mother, and I'm sure I am, but this little guy is SO FAST! I start feeding Brett and the next thing I know I can hear him in the tub, or on the washer, or breaking something. But look at him- he is the sweetest thing! But totally crazy!!
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