We had the best Halloween!!
Captain America BlakeMy little pumpkin Brett
Tigger Stockton
Pirate Tyson
We had fun carving pumpkins -
Stockton did not want me to carve his pumpkin for the longest time. He would carry it around the house and throw it around. He really like it after he asked me to "cut it" for him. Blakes happy pumpkin
Ok so Tyson's face in this picture totally cracks me up!
Ty got to ware is costume to school.
So did Blake.
It was such a nice day we walked to pick Ty up from school. He offered to ride Blake's bike home when Blake didn't want to. I loved all the leaves on the side walk.
We always go to my Grandma's house to show off the kids costumes. I really love how my Grandpa and Stock are looking at each other. I hope he sticks around long enough for Stockton to remember him because Stockton's middle name is Lowell after my grandpa. Brett's little hand is on my grandpa too. So cute!
A super, super rare photo of me with all my boys.
Stockton was so dang funny trick or treating! Bryan helped me take the boys around my ward and so one followed in the van while the other walked with the kids. Stockton totally got into it! He would hold him his Elmo bucket for the people to put his candy in and would run to the next house with the boys. He now goes up to my pantry door and cries "Elmo!" because he wants his candy bucket. I'll be so happy when the candy is gone. Ty and Blake love halloween this year too. The weather was AWESOME! Hot even. It was just perfect.
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