Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The crazy one is TWO!

When I say Stockton is crazy I'm not making it up- he is all over the place! I am very happy to report that he is talking and talking a lot! I feel like he is finally caught up to the rest of the kids his age with his speech but maybe I'm wrong.  He tells me "tank you" when I get him something and almost always wakes up with a smile.  

For his birthday I decided not to stress myself out too much because A- he doesn't really know what a birthday is and B- he doesn't really care what we do for it.  So we took him to McDonalds to play on the play land and my parents drove into town and met us there. We had Bryan's mom and sister Becca and her girls were able to come over for cup cakes It was so warm outside!  The kids went out and played for a little while. Bryan had to work so my parents and I took the boys to Mo Bettahs for dinner and a big snowcone. Stock and my boys love that place.  So all in all sort of a low key day but so fun. 

 He is crazy about his halloween bucket.  He stands by my pantry door and cries "ELMO!" for it all the time.  I'm so happy the candy finally gone!

 He was watching something on the computer and started laughing about it. This is a totally real Stockton smile.
 Usually when my kids are only two they don't care if someone helps them open their presents but not Stock.  He was angry when the boys tried to help him and he wanted to do it himself.  Which actually makes me really excited for Christmas because he is going to love unwrapping  his stuff.
 Out of all of his prents his favorite was his "birdies".  He carries them around the house and flings them into a box or plows over them with a car.  He screams when Blake or anyone else tries to take them away.  Stockton loves angry birds even though he can't really play the game.

 I tried to make cupcake "ice cream" and it sort of turned out.
 He actually sung "happy birthday" to himself.  I'll try to post the video later if I have time.

 Debbie and I went in together and got him a Cozy coupe! I've wanted to get my kids one of these forever and finally got one for him.  I am leaving it in the basement for the winter for him to play with.  He wanted to help my dad and Bryan put it together.

I took him in for his two year old check up and he is 28 lbs!  I guess that's average weight but he is a lot bigger then my other boys were at this age.  What is worrying me is he has these weird tremor. His hands shake a lot.  My dad has grown up with the same thing his whole life just like his dad had. I'm going to track it and see when I notice it more.  I'm worried that since it's starting to young it's going to be a problem for him.  My dad  has a hard time writing some times.  I hope it's something else and he will grow out of!


Camey said...

I forgot to write this on Blake's birthday! You are such a good mom- always making their cakes and you made a banner for him to run through. I feel like such a bad mom compared to you!

Camey said...

P.S. Stockton is a doll and has the best smiles! I hope his tremor goes away. Haleigh used to do that sometimes and it always freaked me out. See if it is when he hasn't eaten a lot- just a thought?