My sweet little Stockton turned three last month. (I'm SOOO Behind on my blog!) He was so fun because he understood that it was his birthday. He wanted a star wars birthday so that's what he got.
My parents came down on the Saturday before and we went out to eat and the boys went fishing. All but Stockton who had to stay home and play with his new star wars toy! It was such beautiful weather that day then the next day we woke up to snow. So Stockton's actual birthday was the day we had snow on the ground. We had regional stake conferences up at USU so I didn't let him open his other stuff until after. He kept asking when we were going home so he could open his presents.
I was so excited about Stocks darth vader cake that I thought i might want to decorate it the day before in case I didn't have time on his birthday. Big mistake! It looked pretty bad (but still tasted good) by his birthday. Good thing he really didn't care. He still talks about his Vader cake.
Stockton has the sweetest little voice. I love how he holds up his pointer finger when he is trying to tell you about something. He is stubborn! He pulls the cutest faces. He is very sweet to Brett. Even when Brett is smacking him he never hits him back. He loves to play with his older brothers, especially Blake. He loves everything super hero and Star wars. Especially batman and Darth maul and Darth Vader. He makes up the funniest stories! He is a little sweetheart and gives the best best hugs. When he prays at night in his bed he always blesses the food, stops and says "oh there is no food in my bed" then starts talking about something totally off subject until I help him get back to praying. Every time I turn on our christmas lights he tells me "you can't it isn't christmas yet!!" If you ask him what santa says he says "yo ho ho merry christmas!" haha. When he is upset with me at the store he starts to run off- NOT my favorite thing. So when we go to walmart and I want to put him in the cart he holds up is pointer finger and says "I won't run away mom!" He is a stinker but really isn't naughty just super busy. He is hard to keep a eye on because he is so fast! It makes me sad he hit 3 because they grow up so much and he is so fun the way he is. I wish he would stay this young and sweet forever! Happy birthday Stockton Lowell! I love you so much buddy!
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