Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, December 13, 2013

The one about the couch

When Bryan and I were first married we had a nasty really old brown couch that my parents bought (or where given) when they were first married.  It was better then nothing but not by much.  It was really a 1980's looking couch.  Bryan's mom called me up when I was really, really sick and pregnant with Ty.  Like the I can't hardly get off the couch without puking kind of sick and told me to go pick some out at a new by furniture warehouse sale.  I called up my cousin Kandace and we went and took a look.  I found a couch and love seat for like 300 or 400 bucks that I didn't mind. I've had those going on almost 9 years if you can believe it! And I've was going to get some last spring then our lawn mower died so there went my couch money.  Then it happened:
 A small rip became a bigger, and bigger and bigger rip!  I couldn't put it off anymore.  I went couch shopping a little and Bryan put his foot down.  He didn't want to buy it and have our kids ruin it.  Boo! I needed a new couch!  We have the money! I never spend it on things for me! So he "fixed it"-
 What a guy fix.  He could have in the least got the colored duck tape! But I have to admit it did keep it from ripping even more.  So after weeks of hurt feelings and a lot of heated arguments about it we settled on me paying for 400 of it our of my violin lessons account (like 6 months of teaching) all the cash back on my discover card (175$- like 18 months worth of cash back) and the rest is my christmas and he caved.
I got LEATHER- so I can actually clean it!  Unlike my nasty couch.  I got a couch and a love seat for $799- not bad! I'm waiting for my kids to ruin it.  I give them a month.  

1 comment:

Heather Palmer said...

Your new couch looks great! It's a nice color.