Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

boys will be boys-

My kids these days are:

 into baseball
finding bugs

 Playing on the slide-

 being stinking cute

 giving me cheesy grins

 jumping on the tramp

and playing in the spring time snow.

Baby blue eyes turns two

So I already did a birthday post but I went out and took some pictures (shocker) of Brett for his birthday.  My friend Heather posted a picture on facebook of this gorgeous tree that was come to find out in her front yard.  I called her like a nerd and asked if I could take some pictures of Bretty in front of it.  I didn't want her to look outside and wonder what the crap Heather Palmer was doing in her driveway.  Brett was stink. I couldn't get him to do anything for me!  He just kept talking about this monkey thing they had in their flower bed.  The fact I got ANY pictures of him here is a miracle.  Really.  But the flowers were beautiful.

 I brought bubbles and stuffed animals for him.  Nothing really worked.  Oh well.  I love the top picture though.  That one is going on my wall.

 I also took a couple of pictures at home and he was better for those.  Taking pictures of him is a workout.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My baby is two!

It's really hitting me I don't have a baby anymore.  ::tear:: In some ways it's FANTASTIC! He plays with the other kids and I don't have to follow him around 24/7.  He was so much fun for his birthday.  He would oooh and ahhh while he unwrapped every present.  He didn't want anyone to help him either.  Mr. independent. 
 I have so many little toys by now that I decided to go for a bigger present.  He got this cute wagon-
 And lucky for him my brother and his family came up to celebrate with us!  My niece Kiya just turned two the week before.  They are good buddys that don't like to share. =)  Hey they are two right?

 My neighbors have ducks so we had them get one out for the kids.  Brett totally went crazy over it.
 This is my nephew Daxton.  Isn't he sweet??  I loved snuggling with him.
Brett got this little grill from Grandma Palmer that he proceeded to play with the entire evening and would scream whenever the kids would try to play with him. 
 I made him a ABC picture book with pictures of him and our family.  He loved it.  Especially to have his buddy papa here to look at it with him.  He also loves play doh so I got him that too.

 We had pizza for dinner (his favorite) and I made mickey mouse cup cakes.  He only had the hat on for a sec and I hurried and took a picture.
 We had to light his candle like 5 times because as soon as Bryan would light it he would blow it out before we could sing.  He was way better at it then I thought he would be.
 Birthday kids.  Even Brett's 94 year old great grandma came over to celebrate with us.
My dad, Kiya and Brett all have their birthdays within 8 days of each other. 
 My parents gave Brett his cute wheel barrel, sand toys and this activity table.

It was a awesome day and I was really tired by the end.  Thank goodness for family coming over!

Easter Weekend 2014

I really love Easter.  Mostly, I think, because I love spring.  And Bryan lets me take pictures of him and the boys.  =) If you think I've been on a picture kick before you would die to see me now.  I'm in love with my new lens and I use it everyday!  Now I just need a fancy new camera... hint hint Bryan.

Saturday we had our Palmer Easter Hunt.  We had a lot of extra family there so it was crazy.
Brett loved playing in the bubbles. 

 The group-

Here is our annual boys and dad with the shotgun picture.  It honestly took about 200 pictures to get this one and I still had to edit it a lot.  Here is a few of the outtakes- 

yeah.  You see why it took so many pictures to get one good one.  Bryan was upset it was so much work and blamed me.  Seriously my kids are not good for pictures.

Me on the other hand only had 5 pictures to choose from.  This was the best we could do and I had to edit all the red out of Ty's eyes.  He wasn't having a good morning.

The Easter bunny spoiled my boys!

Brett may have been my favorite easter morning.  He carried around his basket around all morning eating treats and hugging his dog.
Seriously I love his face in this picture.  
I love my crazy boys.  I love to spoil them on easter too.  It's too bad dad doesn't get up to help being Easter bunny- I was up until midnight!