Holy cow I LOVE LOVE LOVE The flowers at temple square ready for general conference! So beautiful! If only I had heaters in my flower beds so my tulips and other flowers would bloom right now...
Notice the little boy in the green jacket? My little Blake thought it would be good to make sure his eyes were shut in every picture to protest me taking his picture. little fart!
If Bryan would let me I would teach him how to use my camera. Notice how the temple is in focus and we are not? So I made him take it again with his phone. Hey if I was going to feel like crap and go with my family anyway I was going to get proof I was there!
Brett still cries at everything. The kid is wuss. He was crying at the water fountain behind me that was going off.
When we went to leave Stockton started to cry and he kept stopping, folding his arms and pouting. I finally asked him what was the matter with him and he said he wanted to go back to temple square. When I asked him why he cried "because Jesus didn't come out yet! We need to go back so Jesus can come out." I guess telling him that the temple is Jesus house he figured that means Jesus comes out to see everyone. Oh the faith of a child. I would be pretty upset if I had to leave before Jesus came out too.
Ty really liked the Planetarium. We didn't see a show we just saw all the "cool science stuff" as he put it. You know I really, really wish schools had more time to do more science and less math and reading. As weird as that sounds. He really loves science I think he would do so well in school if they pushed it more. When I taught 4th grade I used social studies with reading. You know, two birds with one stone.
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