Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

This is our life-

With my picture kick I'm on I've been taking a ton of photos of day to day stuff and I love it.  Part of the reason I love pictures is I feel like I can sort of capture memories of my kids.  Ok weird I know but here is the meat of the post:
 My kids have been earning money by doing extra chores around the house.  Ty spends it as soon as he has enough for any little lego out there.  Blake saved his up for the golden dragon.  He was super proud of it.
 Brett is into painting.  This is him feeling like a big boy at the bar painting.
 Bryan tried to pull Tyson's tooth out with these bad boys.  He accidentally got his lip and then Ty wasn't a fan anymore.  He hid them and I didn't know where.  After doing a load of laundry apparently he had thrown them in my washer.  At least now they are clean!

This is a combo of dirt and chocolate.  He wouldn't let me wash it off so I gave up and took a picture instead.
This is seriously one of my favorite pictures.  

Ty did swimming lessons at mountain crest in February and March.  He did awesome! And he loved it!  We will be doing more for him soon.  I also love this picture of the three boys playing together.  I love that Brett is starting to do that. 

 Stocktons bum is always hanging out.  I mean always- he usually doesn't put on his underwear after he goes to the bathroom so his pants hang too low.

 Tyson took these- Its so rare I'm in a picture with my kids.

 Bretty cookin'

I can't remember if I posted this picture yet or not but I love it. 

The drama of Ty's front tooth.  It was SO SO SO loose and we would help him wiggle it for weeks.  

 It was hanging by a thread so Bryan just yanked it out one day.  Finally!

 When my grandma was around 8 she got some pictures taken.  So when my mom was missing her front tooth she had my mom pose holding this picture of her.  Then my cousins and I did as well. I need to find my picture of me holding the picture.  I had to do it with Ty though.

 Brett and his favorite kitty playing hungry hippos. 

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