My kids have been driving me crazy this summer. Ok I admit it! They are always fighting and breaking things just because and complainging they are board. I can't take them to the store because it would be "the worst day of my life!" "why do we always have to go to stupid stores!". Makes me want to rip my hair out somedays. But here's the thing. I miss them when they are gone! Ty has been in school all day for two years now so I know what that is like. But my little Blake being gone now too! Be still my poor mother heart! He is my little buddy! I thought it would be easier sending him after I've been through this with Ty but it's not! The good news is they both seem to have great teachers this year and Blake was at least excited. Ty wasn't as much.
I bribed them a couple of days ago to go to the school playground for some back to school pictures.
These are Blake's tough and thinking faces.
This one I almost feel off the ladder to get.
And Stockton was stung by a bee this week and his eye was all swollen. But he wanted a picture too even though we are just doing preschool at home this year.