Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Bode and Grandpa's 89th

Bryan's sister Becca gave birth to her 4th baby this week- after three little girls she got her boy! I went up to see them in the hospital and was lucky enough to be there when her girls came to see him for the first time.  That is one of my favorite things in the world is when my kids meet a new sibling.  It makes me tear up every time. It's amazing to me the instant love they feel for a new brother.  These girls were no different.  They were so so excited to see and hold him. 
This is McCall with Bode.  She was the cutest of all.  She had him held really close and just kept kissing and hugging him. She was not willing to give up her turn holding him without a fight.

More pictures of Bode to come.  I don't have time to work on pictures and blog as much as I really need too... 

Last week was my sweet Grandpa's 89th birthday! I love my Grandpa and feel so lucky he is still around to celebrate with! His health stinks still and he seems to be going downhill even more.  I hope we can be with him for his 90th! 

We were at his cool park and there were some guys playing freebie golf. Brett thought it was fantastic.


Anonymous said...

Those hospital pictures are priceless! I love them. I always wish I had someone else in the room with me to photograph moments like that!

Sandy said...

I'm so glad that you live near Grandma & pa Jenkins
They are such good examples of who we all should live!