I'm super sad that our summer vacation is coming to a end. Don't get me wrong- somedays I can't wait until the older boys are back in school but I just love the summer. I love going out and sitting in the yard while the kids play and it's so nice. So we are trying to enjoy every last minute we have. Last week we did a couple of fun things. We went to the Cache County fair and walked around. We always have to go see the tractors. Brett especially loved all the animals. He really loved the chickens. My older boys wanted to ride on some of the rides this year and Bryan told them they could pick one and he would pay for them to ride it. It's 4 dollars a kid per ride! For those crapy rides? Seriously. But there wasn't anywhere that would take a debit card at the fair. At least that we could find. So I dodged a bullet there. I ended up coming back a couple of days later with Stockton, Blake and Ty and we went to the rodeo! I love the rodeo! Bryan was being a huge poo about it so he stayed home. But don't tell him that I think Brett would have lasted for the first hour and then fallen apart so it was good that Brett wasn't with us. My older boys loved it. It was so fun.
Also last week Bryan was going with the youth from our ward to the Ogden temple open house. So I insisted that we tag along because I knew he wouldn't want to drive there twice. Of course it was fantastic and my boys were so good. My little boys were positive they were going to see Jesus there. Brett kept telling us "jesus come out!" I told Stock that you won't see Jesus but you will get a happy feeling inside that tells you he is close by. So when I say you can feel him he took that literally and felt every carpet in the temple. We had to stop in every room we walked into stopping the line of people for him to feel the carpet. So in his words "the carpet in Jesus house is really soft mom!".
Part of our Youth Group.
Tyson took this picture for me. Why do people feel like they need to walk behind you when your taking a picture? There were very few people on this side of the temple and a sidewalk just in front of us and they still walked behind. We had to take like 20 picture and I still had to crop people out.
1 comment:
I'm glad that the boys could see how beautiful the temple is inside.
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