Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, November 17, 2014

Halloween was good to us

My name is Heather Palmer and I have a problem with pictures.  I take too many.  Then I can't decided to trash too many of them because I like them so much.  I blame digital cameras.  Really, it's their fault. Here is proof of my problem: 
 I always take some photos of my kids in their halloween garb every year.  I go a few days early so Halloween itself isn't so crazy.  I take their pictures by this fence every year.  I can't wait to see in a few years how  much they have changed by this fence.

Here are a couple of my nephew and niece. 

 Carving pumpkins was a hit this year- I love that they are getting into fun things like this now.
I bribed Stockton into letting me take a few photos of him-

 Ok so a little out of order but I'm too lazy to fix it.  Pre and during carving photos-

The day of halloween photos: 
Bryan dressed up for work.  Blake was the only one willing to pose with him. My boys get to dress up at school too. 

 This is Blake "don't  you dare take a picture of me" photo.  I didn't get any photos (shocker) of Bryan's awesome halloween party at his work.  I was so impressed! They decorated the whole building and even had a hallway filled with balloons.  We had more candy then we could eat from there even before we went trick or treating.  They even fed us yummy pizza so I didn't have to worry about dinner.  PS the weather was above amazing for Halloween.  You really couldn't have asked for a nicer day! Brett won the contest for more creative halloween costume.  They have him a huge lollypop. He didn't want to trick or treat so Bryan stayed home with him while the boys and I went out.
 Stockton loved it.  Did I say love? I mean LOVED IT.  He couldn't have gone all day.
 Our friend Duff always goes all out for Halloween. 

 The boys get a lot of candy- I get to take pictures. Win win.

As you can see we got more candy then I know what to do with.  We are still eating halloween candy.

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