My favorite Photographer right now is a lady named Heather Walker. She has the most amazing photos of her kids. I'm totally in love with her style. Amazing. Anyway she has a tradition where she takes a picture of her kids the night before their birthdays- ya know the last night they where three for example. Like like little Stockton-I stayed up to get this shot:
Totally worth staying up a little later.
I was going to take some pictures of my nieces just before Halloween and decided to grab a few of Stockton for this birthday:
Seriously this kid is crazy!
The morning of his birthday he ran out into the living room to find a brand new big wheel bike! He was so excited and wanting to ride it right then. Problem was it is cold here already so I made him wait closer to lunch to ride it and it was still freezing cold. It's ruff having a November bday.
The boys gave Stock a minecraft toy. It's his favorite game and he is way too good at it for his age.
My mom gave him these little gems- Slimer is from his favorite movie Ghost busters. He sleeps with it every night.
I promise I'm not a horrible mother. I did have a jacket on him and he refused to put on pants. So it looks like it's summer in this picture. If you could see me I'm in pants and a coat. It's his birthday so I let him do what he wanted.
Snuggling with Slimer.
He had to have purple cupcakes so once they were done I let him practice blowing out the candle.
Usually when my boys turn 4 I let them have birthday party with friends but this year Stockton didn't want a party. At all. In fact he did not want a birthday at all and we had to talk him into it. He didn't want to turn 3 he wanted to stay 4! I didn't know you could do that. So I finally talked him into letting me buy him presents and we would only have cupcakes and not a cake. For some reason cake meant you were going to be old. He was awesome on the day of his birthday though and didn't say anything about it. I felt bad I didn't plan a party for him but I didn't want to go through all that work just to have him not want the party. Maybe next year? So I took all the boys to a place in town called the jump zone. Stockton loved it but Ty and Blake loved it even more. Brett cried for the first 10-15 minutes because he was scared. He is really a wuss. But he warmed up too and started jumping.
Above Bryan throwing the older boys into the foam pit. Below Stockton jumping at the jump zone.
We grabbed some pizza after and headed home for some cupcakes, ice cream and a couple more presents. Grandma and Grandpa Palmer came over with their gift for him too.
Take a good look at that #4 candle. Brett thought it might taste good so he took a chunk out of it. There are multiple chucks out of it though!?! What was he thinking? So gross.
Grandpa always gives birthday spankings out. As you can tell they are fun and not painful. =)
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