I feel like I'm turning into one of those people who posts about every picture they take but to be honest this isn't even a 1/4 of the pictures I take. I think I have a problem. =) The week after the Baptism I talked my mom into staying here for a few days while Bryan was in California for work to help me with my boys. Seriously- 5 kids is no joke. So hard. Anyway the deal was she stay then we all drive back to her house for UEA. We ended up staying from Thursday to Sunday. The best part was my sweet Grandma Jenkins came with us! While my grandpa was alive it was too hard or her to leave him for that long so she has only seen my mom's home (two hours away) for a few hours one time. I was happy she could come with us.
My mom had snails in her flower beds. Which equalled heaven for my bug loving Stock.
My brother and his wife had a new baby! His name is Jettson. My grandma is holding him above. That is my squish with my dad.
American Fork Canyon
Skipping rocks
My brothers house. Sierra finds awesome deals for little used cars like these online.
My boys are both in cub scouts now (my dad works for the BSA so he is excited about that) and they had to make rockets for their derby coming up. I had my dad help them. He bought one for all the kids so we could race them. We lucked out with the weather and was able to race them. The kids loved it.
Brett and Kiya are only a week apart in age and these little guys are about 7 weeks apart. East looks like he could pop next to Jett.
Crapy quality photo but my parents grandkids. 7 boys and one girl. Poor Kiya.