Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Blake's 8th Birthday

Blake was really excited for it to be his birthday.  He talked about it all the time.  He loves birthday's more then most of my other kids.  It seems to be a theme that my kids always want to go to the jump zone for their birthdays.  I told him that I would let him invite a couple of friends from school and he did.  Jace and John came and they even went above and beyond and got him a nice present.  It was so fun! 

Of course we had to wrap all his stuff in hunting paper. His big present was a tent which is was so happy about.  I let them set it up in the basement and sleep in it for a couple of days.  He also got a funny thing called a Kadama (sp?) that is all the rage at school.  It's a wood thing with a ball attacked and you have to land the ball on the wood part.  It's kind of cool. Blake wanted cheese cake so we got him that.  Jenny and her family all came over to sing to him.  We also went to his class that day to do his spotlight and he loved showing off Easton.  

Blake is such a good little boy.  He really does what to be a good kid.  School is easy for him and he has a ton of friends.  He loves basketball and being in the mountains.  He requires little attention but he really would love to have more attention from me.  He has a temper but usually cools down pretty fast too.  I'm so grateful to be his mom. He has always been my buddy. 

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