I thought that having 5 kids could no way be harder for me then it was when I had 4. I mean when Brett was born Stockton was only 18 months old and It was insane! But low and behold I was wrong. Easton has been a hard baby. I'm pretty sure I haven't had one as fussy as him. None of my kids took a binky so that always makes things harder too. Finally now that he is 4 months old he is getting a little easier. He sometimes sleeps through the night but it's super hit and miss. Some nights he is up every hour and then the next night he sleeps all night. He is starting to love toys and tries to eat all of them. He doesn't roll yet but he does want to sit up all the time. Easton has his daddy wrapped around his finger. All my boys say he is their favorite brother.
He is so healthy! Only a few minor stuffy noses for this kid. He loves attention. He loves to have someone talking to him. It doesn't take much to get him to smile or giggle. If I'm holding him he wants to stand up and jump on my lap. He melts my heart. I'm so lucky I get to be his mom.
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