We started September by going camping just outside of Jackson Hole Wyoming up Granite canyon with my brother in law and his family. They boys went bear hunting and the little ones and i stayed at the camp trying to keep Easton busy. All Easton wanted to do was throw dirt all over himself. The next weekend we headed back to Wyoming for the boys to go on their annual antelope hunt. The next week Bryan left for Wyoming AGAIN to go deer hunting. So when my husband tells you I never let him hunt tell him he is full of crap. =)
The hardest part of the month was the passing of my sweet Granda Bonna lue Pack. She was 96 years old. She has always been around so it's just seems so strange to have her gone. The best part of all of that was 60 of her 68 grandkids were all in attendance at her funeral. I really love my Pack cousins and so it was so wonderful to get to see them all.
The boys are doing awesome in school and Stockton loves kindergarten. Between Brett who also started preschool this month and Stockton who goes to school at 12:30 I feel like I'm in the car taking kids to and from school all day long.