Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, October 17, 2016

Back to school 2016

My kids know my now they don't have a choice but to get back to school photos.  I always feel like life is out of control right before school starts so super last minute I hurried and grabbed my 4 older boys and drove up to USU campus to this sweet ivy wall and took these photos of my boys.  We found a snake scales and Ty almost peed his pants but we got them done. 

Back to school night I took the older three boys and we headed out.  Here is Blake in his class. 

We did visit Tyson's class but it was so full of people I didn't want to embarrass him by taking his picture. Stockton didn't care. This is the boys outside the school.

Before school started in the morning I got a couple of photos of the boys and Ty and Blake were teasing poor Stockton about being excited for school and made him cry.  So he looks upset
about going to school but honest to goodness he was so excited!

I can't believe I have three kids in school. Watching Stockton walk into the school makes me feel so sad! He seems so little! 

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