Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, October 17, 2016


I have always loved the month of July.  To my it's by far the quickest month of the year.  July is always busy with fun things to do! We started the month by spending time with our Palmer family with fireworks and waterslides.  Then we turned around and went to bear lake with my side of the family for a few days.  We bought my boys some kid kayaks and had fun taking them around to use them as well.  We had swimming lessons and lots of swim nights at the aquatics center as well. We also did a lot with our sheep to get them ready to sale at the fair.  I love July.  I wish the whole year was full of Julys.  

 On the anniversary of my Grandpa's passing Bryan came with me to the cemetery to honor him.  I miss him so much.


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