Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Arrow of Light

I have grown up around the scouting program my whole life.  My dad has worked for them since I was 2.  I even and lived at the boy scout camp for a total of 9 years.  Three of them I worked there.  Even though Tyson hasn't been as excited about scouts as Blake is he still enjoys it.  He earned his arrow of light the end of October and got his award.  My dad even left work early in Utah county and drove the 2 hours one way to be here and home after we were done.  They even had him get up and talk to the kids that were there about the importance of scouting and how it will prepare them to be missionaries.  Grateful my Grandma Jenkins could be there too! 
 They painted Tyson's face to represent different values he should have.
 He got to knock over the wolf- bear and weablos sign since he passed them all off.

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