Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Halloween 2016

Halloween was awesome this year.  Stockton changed his mind about 100 times again this year on his costume.  I'm glad he finally ended up being a jedi because I had fun learning how to make him glowing light sabers in photoshop. Right after school we drove to dad's work for a family halloween party.  They had haunted hallways and a piñata with a ton of candy. Dad's stay puff marshmallow man costume one some awards.   The weather was so nice that we set out to go trick or treating. Easton even came with us at first.  After we took East back with Bryan the rest of the boys and I ended up trick or treating for another hour.  Tyson found his friends later and went out for another hour or so.  In the end Ty ended up knocking doors for almost 3 hours. He had so much candy! 

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