Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Feb 2017

We got back from Disneyland on Feb. 1st then 
 Easton is starting to love playing with his toys. I've been waiting for this day for awhile! I found him in his room pulling all his toys out of his closest and actually playing with them.
 At the end of January Bryan, Blake and Stockton took Grandpa Pack and Palmer to a utah Jazz game. Stockton LOVED it and danced around the whole time. He talked Bryan into buying him this jersey because , ya know, he is named after John Stockton.

 After all the feet of snow we had- feet of snow- we were so excited when it rained and melted the snow enough to see grass! Brett peeing in their favorite "pee" spot. Boys.

 Stocktons Valentines day party- I got to help at! Ty and Stock had similar boxes this year with their own pictures.

 Easton favorite sheepie
 My cousin Julie was moving into her mom's- my Aunt Martha's house who passed away the year before. They were cleaning things out and they didn't need this sewing box. Martha let me use her sewing machine a few times while I was in college and I didn't have a sewing box so I wanted to have it. When I was going through it at home I saw something with her name on it and it made me cry! It's crazy how something that happened awhile ago still brings up emotions sometimes. I really miss her.
 Easton is such a funny little guy. He loves to shoot baskets and try to play with his brothers.
 We finally have a sandbox! If only for a few days before it snowed a lot again. Stockton also has a real love for playing basketball.

 Brett really loves my blow dryer. He loves the heat and being warm. He always comes in when I'm drying my hair to have me warm him up.
 We went to see all of the flooding down in Benson. With the warming temps and all of the snow there was a ton of flooding!

 Tyson dealing with another snow storm. He was trying to earn some service hours and spent a hour shoveling a little walk way- just to have Bryan come and clear it in seconds with the snow blower. He did work really hard though.

 Brett feel asleep in the Van and the boys had fun with him. We just picked up the deer Bryan shot in October to put on the wall.
Brett had his kindergarten shots! I can't believe he is almost old enough for school!

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