With only a few days left of school we got hit with a NASTY stomach bug. And since my younger three already had colds plus pink eye it was a bad time. Stockton missed the last two days of school which included his one and only field trip and the end of school party super kids day. He was devastated. He missed the best days of school of the whole year! The poor guy threw up at least 15-20 times. I'm not sure how it was even possible. He threw up for hours. Two days after Stockton got sick I woke up hearing Easton throwing up in his bed. After I got him all cleaned up he puked on me. Then he did it again 15 minutes later. This went on for a few hours. I ended up putting him in my bed with towels to catch it after awhile I was so tired! Blake then woke up the same day throwing up. This was the last day of school so Blake missed his last day. They had a lot of fun things planned too! The morning was bad but by the end of the day Easton was totally acting normal and Blake had at least quit throwing up.
If that wasn't enough Brett decided to go down our slide holding a old broken broom that had the top plastic piece missing so it was medal. When the broom hit the ground it went right into his face. Stockton ran in the house saying Brett was hurt but I'll be honest Brett cries all the time. So I never know when it's important or not. Then Ty saw him and was like oh man Brett that's bad! It was bad. Lucky for us it didn't bleed too much so I hurried and put a wash cloth on it and ran outside where Bryan was on the mower. I showed him and he was like "stitches". I ran him into instacare and they fixed him up pretty fast. Brett didn't even cry! But maybe that is because he had his favorite monkey Georgie with him to be brave. It's hard to watch your little kid get a needle stuck into his face but Brett doing so well helped me too. He had 5 stitches in the end. We just got them out this morning and he will have a scar on his face but at least he is a boy. Brett is my first child that has had stitches. Can you believe it? I've had boys for 11 1/2 years and this was my first kid with stitches. And he is my least likely kid to get them too.
The next day Bryan woke up with the stupid stomach bug. He threw up so much he passed out on the bathroom floor. Ty started with a cold Monday and now I have it. You would think it's winter with how sick we have been. We haven't been this sick for a very long time! Oh and I forgot I took Easton into the dr for his pink eye and he had a double ear infection. So yeah crazy week.
Lets hope this isn't a taste of what our summer is going to be like!
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