We started off September with my nephew Colton getting married! Colton and Shanice got married in the Logan temple and I was so excited that they asked me to be their wedding photographer. Every one of Bryan's siblings were in town for it. Joe and Becca flew in just for the wedding. I had to make sure I got a photo of the whole family together. I hope sometime soon we have our entire family together for a big group photo- grandkids and all.
Bryan and the older boys did the labor day run in Wellsville. Blake did the mile, Ty the 5 k and Bryan did the 10 k.
We also went to a parade with Jenny's family later that day and a cute hometown rodeo. The only problem with the rodeo was Laycee fell off a cow and broke her arm! She feel right before Tyson was supposed to go. Bryan spend the evening at the hospital with Jenny, Ron and Laycee and she ended up having surgery to fix it.

Grandma's birthday and Laycee's broken arm.
The boys had their fun run to raise money at school. I felt like I was there all day long with 4 kids running in it!
Bryan's 37th birthday- complete with the hat Stockton made him.
Laycee's birthday
Bryan finally drew the Wyoming hunt this year. The only problem is the winter was so snowy it killed off a lot of the deer. He didn't get anything but had fun anyway. Cory had horses this year for them to use so Bryan loved that.
Trying out the wetsuit a friend gave us.
Bryan took Ty hunting with him in Wyoming.
I listen to a lot of talk radio and my favorite person to listen to is Glenn Beck. I do almost everyday. So when I heard he was at his ranch in Idaho and was doing a event I really wanted to go. I got Bryan and I tickets but then my older boys wanted to go because they heard the REAL darth vader mask would be there. To say I loved it was a understatement. It was one of the favorite things I did all year. I hope he does it again sometime.
I can't find the photo but Cory shot a HUGE buck antelope with Bryan and my 3 of my boys there. Stockton was sick so we stayed home. It's going to be in the record books. This was from the same trip of Jakes.
Even though Ty is a few months away from 12 they had him go with the men to priesthood session. It's a big tradition in the Palmer family.
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