In 2016 I missed the big weekend of the wild cow milking so this year I had it marked off on my calendar for months. I was NOT going to miss it! We went down the day before to Cory's because it's my kids favorite place ever. And I just love being with Cory and Katie too. We drove up to the Uinita mountains to a fishing place Cory loved. It was so beautiful! And the kids were catching fish almost every single cast. We have it on our bucket list this year to go camping there next summer.
This is one of my fav photos of ALL FREAKING TIME. I honestly didn't change the colors much in this photo. Bryan actually has a fish on the line. I put it on a canvas and it's in my living room right now.
The next morning Ty did a triathlon with Jake and Abby. He actually did so dang good I'm so proud of him! He was behind after the bike part but totally caught most of the kids on the running part. Ty is a running fool.
We went to their 24th of July parade and Stock was mad about something I can't even remember what. It was such a fun parade.
I have to back up with this next part. Stockton has been talking about "training" to catch a bunny at the rodeo for weeks. He was running around my house and backyard training for this thing. He was praying he would get a bunny!
I came late to the rodeo and when I got there I was standing next to Katie. The kids just started their run and Katie was like "oh no Heather he is out in front!" He totally caught a dumb bunny. They asked him on the mic for everyone to hear "do you want the bunny or the money" (5 bucks) and he calls out BUNNY! I was like what the crap are we going to do with a bunny! Well the other kids with us (or friends seamons and mcevoys that came from Providence to the rodeo) held the thing the whole time. Some girl from Lyman really really wanted it. So he goes up to her (and we have video of this) and says I've thought really hard about if I was going to keep the bunny or give it to you. I've decided to keep the bunny. And the little girl ran off crying. Well Bryan made him hold the bunny for a minute and then it started to scratch him. Then he said ok I'll give the bunny away. But I had to buy him a kindle. I'm sure it saved me money in the end.
I did wild goat milking with my friend Bonnie and sis in law Katie. We ALMOST won! Can you believe it? katie had it milked and was running to the finish and we just lost to another group. We would have won like 200 bucks or something. And we didn't get one single photo of us! What is wrong with me?
The wild cow milkers were unsuccessful again this year. They had a really wild one. But they had fun and didn't get hurt. I hope our friends come next year. It's always so much fun.
This is the little girl he gave the bunny too. She was really happy. And so was I.
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