I love the month of May. It's getting warmer, the flowers are blooming and school is almost out! May is always a busy month!
We started the month out with Blake's orchestra concert. I'm amazed Easton lasted the whole concert. I am so proud of Blake for playing the violin. I love that we have something like music in common! (I've played the violin for almost 30 years!)
My older boys headed with Bryan to Wyoming to go on a bear hunt with my brother in law Cory and his son Luke. When they got to the camp they noticed Cory must have left hunting so they hiked around a little but stayed close to camp. I got a phone call (they had to drive down the canyon) around 10 pm with Bryan really worried. Cory had never come back and the fact he had his 10 year old with him made us believe something was wrong. While he was on the phone with me he noticed he had a few voice mails.What had happened was Cory had seen a bear and shot at it. When they went after it they got in a nasty spot where the snow was too deep and soft for them to get out. When they tried to climb up the hill the would just sink in feet of snow that had running water under it. So it was a miracle that Cory could call out and let Bryan know he was ok and to not come get him. They made a campfire and Cory stayed up all night keeping it going to keep Luke and him warm. When the sun started to come out the snow was hard enough they could walk on it and get out. Luckily they were fine and no one was hurt.
As for my boys the tent they were going to use was in Cory's truck but they back with his shell was open so they slept in the back on Cory's truck. They were fine as well. So glad everything worked out ok but it was a scary night.
When my stupid tire went flat during a engagement session... boo. Lucky for me the groom knew how to change it.
Easton love Grandma Jenkins
Brett actually really liked soccer. It was his first time playing .
I had a wedding in Provo so I pulled the boys out of school and took them with me. Grandma J came with us.
My new mothers day present. It's a vacuum and my boys thought it was fun to watch their toys go for a ride.
Every Sunday my father in law does a "grandpa minute" where we go over a section in the strength of youth. Then all my boys give him a huge hug. It's a tradition every week we go there now.
Stockton is really into soccer. Bryan was his coach this year.
First snow cones of the season
Brett's soccer team
I had a formal wedding photo session at the Jordan river temple so East and I headed to my parents. They watched him while I was taking picture. Back at home Brett broke his arm while Bryan was watching him. More on that in another post.
Memorial Day weekend
Outdoor laser tag with Luke and Abby at the fun park.
This was the beginning of MANY fishing trips of the summer. It's always better to go with the cousins and Grandpa.
Blake had his Utah Program.
I love how "excited" Blake is to sing haha!
Brett loved his kindergarten teacher Mrs. Hall.
Stocktons soccer team
I helped at Tyson's end of year party the 6th grade had. I wasn't much help with Easton but I was there.
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