Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Brett broken arm

You may figure out that I love photography. I started shooting more weddings in 2018 and some of them took me away from home. It's actually pretty rare that I'm too far from home though because I hate leaving my boys. I had a formal session booked for the last week of May at the Jordan River temple though so I made arrangements to do it. I took Easton with me and we hung out at my moms. When I was done she met me with East and I was going to drive home. My other boys were going to hang out at home until Bryan got home about a hour later. Sounded perfect right?

Well my photoshoot got rained out (we did finish though!) so after I grabbed Easton I called Bryan. I started gabbing on about my shoot and he says "I have to stop you. I'm headed to the ER with Brett." He likes to joke with me but I could tell he was serious. Here is what happened. 

Brett and Stock were playing on my slide. They thought it was fun to go down sideways so their legs dangled off the side instead of being in front of them. Bryan had just told them to knock it off because they could get hurt. He was out spraying weeds in the yard with them. Well Stock thought Brett was going to slow so he pushed him down but instead Brett flipped off the top to the ground. Bryan said he heard a snap like a twig break then heard Stock yell Brett was hurt. Bryan went over to see what happened and saw this: 

 Bryan had broken enough bones to know what had happened. Brett went to put pressure on his arm to sit up and Bryan was like STOP! Bryan's mom came over with my other boys while Bryan headed to the ER with Brett.

The Dr and nurses were so shocked at how well Brett was doing. He wasn't even really crying. He had broken TWO bones just below his wrist. They said he is in a small group of kids that can handle the pain that well. Which is super crazy because my little Brett is way emotional. You look at him wrong and he balls his eyes out. He breaks his arm and he just sits there. When they took his x-ray he was pushing down on the nurses hand with his broken arm! They were dying!

I made a mad dash home to drop East off. I made it through a crazy rainstorm going as fast as I dare. When I got to the hospital Brett was asleep with a lot of guys working on him to reset his arm. Bryan and my father in law who was there looked as white as a ghost. I guess I had just missed the part where he was awake and they were setting his arm. He was screaming and it just broke them to watch him. The good news is he doesn't have any memory of that. He remembers watching curious George then seeing me there.

 The worst part of the whole experience was a couple of days later. The dang wrap he had before they put a cast on was digging into his fingers. He was up that whole night before he got his cast crying about how much his fingers hurt. We tried to unwrap it a little but didn't dare do too much. We couldn't tell if the pain from his break was going up into his fingers or if it was the plastic part of his wrap.

 He picked a blue cast. A few weeks later they let him have a short arm cast where he could go swimming with. That one was camo. He loved having people sign it. Honestly he loved the whole experience because he got so much attention and presents! So many people brought him stuff. The McEvoys, Grandpa and Grandma Palmer, aunt Rhea, Grandma and Pa Pack and Grandma Jenkins. He had friends and neighbors bring him cookies and treats too. It always amazes how wonderful people are to us.
 Broken arm x-ray.

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