Sunday we got up early to head to church. We saw this beautiful rainbow on the way!
So most of the people who attend this ward end up being tourists. They had guys out to help us know where to park even. They had it down to a science! I was thinking how this poor ward is busy to staff a full ward with a tiny amount of steady people. They even had security guards by the doors. It was kind of crazy. It was nice to make it to church during our trip.Tyson needed to be ordained a teacher and decided to wait a extra week to do it in kauai! Then my dad and Nate could be there too. How may people can say they had that done in Hawaii?
Our only nice group shot of our trip. During the worst light. I always seem to do that to my family but we were usually swimming to doing something else later. And at this point we were dressed nice.
We ran to the spouting horn which was really close to our resort. It was pretty cool. Not sure I would drive a long way to see it though.
Waimea canyon- they say it's like the grand canyon of the pacific. It was kind of a lot of driving but a nice little activity for a Sunday.
This part reminded of me the movie Moana!
I pushed everyone to drive all the way up to the top of the canyon to see the look out. I've seen photos and it's spectacular! But not this day. Too much fog. We couldn't see anything at the top. I was so sad.
We stopped at the BEST snow cone place ever. It's called jo jo's. Bryan still talks about it.
They were HUGE. SO good.
We wanted to see the sunset again.
we dumped the kids minus Blake with my mom to play with the cousins.
These little newts or lizards or whatever they were were EVERYWHERE. They would scare me when I would walk around. They loved trying to catch them.
The view from My moms room.
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