Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, October 4, 2020

May 2020

I feel like we started to get back to somewhat normal life in May. We started seeing the family more and get out of the house. 
The boys got to go fishing with Cory and his boys. East was especially happy to be going with Spencer. They just came up for the day because Grandma and Grandpa still weren't having us come in their house. We just visited them outside. 

The closest we can get to my Grandma. 
East made this for me on my old phone. 
Feeding Sheepy lunch. 
Because the residents at my grandmas assisted living place could not see their families in person they set up a Mothers day parade. The split the residents up by floors in the building and their families could drive by and wave to them. We had a bunch of our Jenkins family line up with their cars and mostly trucks and we waved and had signs for her. I loved it. It was such a nice way to show we loved her. 

Blake being a good brother to East and building him a rocket ship. 

Helping Grandpa build his shed. 
Bryan is slowing evening out our town. that is why there is a patch of sand in it. 

This is what home school looks like most days. I had to help my little Stock a lot because of his difficulty reading. He told me one day that he thought I was a bad teacher. And I used to teach school! Most days he refused to do a lot and it was hard. He wasn't my only one. All of my kids had to have me get after them about not turning stuff in. So annoying and hard. 
I added a photo of this cute couple from their wedding I photographed to tell their story. They were going to get married the end of June but his little brother found out he was leaving again for his missionary reassignment. They figured the temples wouldn't be open by the middle of June (they were right) so if they hurried and got married his brother could be there. So they planned a wedding in a little over two weeks. They are also not the only couple that did this that I know. We took their engagements and I hurried and gave them back in a few days. We did their formals the night before they got married. They just got sealed the end on September! I just love them. 
Brett had his interview with the bishop for his baptism! 
My parents couldn't be here for Memorial Day so we went to see the graves the week before. 

It had been a very, very long time since I got to see Sannette! I missed her! 
Memorial Day 

We borrowed McEvoys razor and went up Millville Canyon in it. My older boys were with Grandpa Palmer in Park Valley. 

Bryan loved it so much he went up to Providence Canyon too 

Then he took Grandpa and the older boys up Millville Canyon again. Then the belt broke on it and we had to buy a new one for Bishop. 
ty and Blake out and park valley. 

We picked up Tyson's stuff from his school. We were not allowed in the school they cleaned out his locker for him. This is the list of names his English teacher called him. For whatever reason she never could remember his name was Tyson. I mean come on! Tyson is a pretty normal name! 

Waiting for their brothers to finish mowing. Honestly this was the day I really realized that my Grandma will never be in her home like she used to be. It really hit me heard that the era of my Grandma being back in her room at her desk when I come over is no more. I kind of wanted some photos of her house the way I remember it. So I got a photo of my boys on her back porch. 
The high school did fireworks for the graduating class. 

Water turn 
Bowers castle. East loves it. 

A frog came out of our water pipe! Can you believe it?

Bryan teaching Brett to mow
It made me happy to see my older boys in the sandbox playing. They don't do that very often. 

Last day of school pictures. Honestly I'm not sure what their last day really was. Ty went right until the end trying to pass his math class and the other boys finished like a week early. 

We drove up to Tony Grove 


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