Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, January 22, 2009

From the mouth of Ty

The other day when I was taking Blake to one of his Dr. appointments it was early and very cold outside- enough to see your breath.  I got the boys out of the car and was walking into the budge clinic and Ty goes "mom my face is smoking!" I tried to explain it was just his breath but I was laughing too.  Funny how kids minds work.  What a cutie.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Mr. Blake update

So last week as I said before Blake was very, very sick.  We had 4 full days of a high fever but he has now gone 48 hrs without one.  Then Saturday night he was covered in this weird rash.  I'm not sure if it was from his fevers or something else but that is gone now too.  He was just crying all day yesterday unless I was holding him standing up for some reason.  Then I noticed not only was he not feeling good but he has some teeth coming in.  That's all I need right now is teeth coming in.  But we are out of the woods it looks like so things are looking up.  Thanks for the concern from all of you.  Now if I can just go a couple weeks illness free then we will be doing good.  =) 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Winter Blah's

I hate winter.  Don't get me wrong, I love a peaceful snowstorm and Christmas and sledding.  What I hate has only come after having kids.  Cabin fever.  I camp out at home all day all the time while my kids are sick or to prevent them from further illness and can't even retreat to my beautiful yard to play in.  Within the last month we had a bad case of a stomach bug Bryan and Blake got really bad.  Ty and I then caught a bad cough that kept us up at night.  Then poor Blake caught it and at the tail end of that illness he got a bad bad cold.  Well at least they told me it was a cold at the Dr's but I have my doubts.  He has had a bad fever for 2 1/2 days now.  This morning I got a reading of 104- yes 104.  Needless to say I'm tired and getting over a bad cold as well I caught after my cough ended.  Bryan is working tons, going to school, and going to like 4 nights of church stuff so I'm alone a lot.  I'm dying.  I'm board.  I'm going out of my mind.  I hope things look up soon.  I could do this with my heath and my childrens but to be alone that much with a baby who won't let me put him down, is up ALL night while I'm sick is draining.  The good news is that as of the moment his fever is down.  I hope it stays. In the mean time I will continue to wish winter away.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Ty

Ya know as a parent you want to do everything you can to make your kids birthdays a fun day but really at this age it doesn't take very much.  We had a lot of family come to celebrate with Ty.  My parents and most of Bryan's family came and that just made him so happy.  Ty just wanted to blow out his candles, play with his new toys and spend time with  his cousins.  I can't believe my baby is three.  I love  you Ty!!

He told me "take my picture mom!" Here he is eating his favorite breakfast, german pancakes, for his birthday.  

Saturday, January 3, 2009

My boy is 3!

My baby is three!!! Sweet Ty is three. On Blake's birthday I had pictures of us with Blake in the hospital but I left pictures of us with Ty in the hospital out on purpose.  I looked like death no joke.  The day after new years in 05 I was taking Christmas stuff down around our little house we used to live in and I was going down our narrow stairs and slipped and fell down about 4 stairs- slid right down on my butt.  I must have cracked or at least really bruised it because I hurt for months after that.  I was scared I hurt ty because I was 37 weeks pregnant but I had a appointment later that day so I thought I would ask them then. Some girl I didn't know took my blood pressure when I got there and said it was really hight but I wondered if she knew what she was talking about.  The doctor came in and said it was really high and he told me that it wasn't from falling down my stairs.  But tell ya what- don't bruise your tail bone that bad and go into labor the same day.  Ouch!  So my dr. had me go over to labor and delivery to get on monitors to check what the baby was doing.  Well long story short my blood pressure was in the stroke/seizure level so they induced labor and 17 hours later my sweet baby Tyson was born!  He was 6 lbs even and was prefect.  When we took him to the Ped. Dr. a few days later he dropped down to 5lb 5 oz oh he was so tiny.  Bryan could hold his head to his butt in his hand. He got jaundice and had to be in a light bed for a few days but after that he has been healthy.  We are so lucky to have such a good boy in our home.  These are pictures of Ty I  have taken his first two years that are my favorite.  I didn't include the last year because of space but you have already seen most of them from  my blog.  Pictures of his birthday party to be posted when I get time later.  =)  Happy Birthday Tyson!My most recent picture of Ty on my computer.  What a cutie.  =)