Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Winter Blah's

I hate winter.  Don't get me wrong, I love a peaceful snowstorm and Christmas and sledding.  What I hate has only come after having kids.  Cabin fever.  I camp out at home all day all the time while my kids are sick or to prevent them from further illness and can't even retreat to my beautiful yard to play in.  Within the last month we had a bad case of a stomach bug Bryan and Blake got really bad.  Ty and I then caught a bad cough that kept us up at night.  Then poor Blake caught it and at the tail end of that illness he got a bad bad cold.  Well at least they told me it was a cold at the Dr's but I have my doubts.  He has had a bad fever for 2 1/2 days now.  This morning I got a reading of 104- yes 104.  Needless to say I'm tired and getting over a bad cold as well I caught after my cough ended.  Bryan is working tons, going to school, and going to like 4 nights of church stuff so I'm alone a lot.  I'm dying.  I'm board.  I'm going out of my mind.  I hope things look up soon.  I could do this with my heath and my childrens but to be alone that much with a baby who won't let me put him down, is up ALL night while I'm sick is draining.  The good news is that as of the moment his fever is down.  I hope it stays. In the mean time I will continue to wish winter away.


Roxie said...

Im sooo sorry. ..we are all home sick with the stomach bug just hoping its one of those 24 hour ones..hang in there it will be spring someday..not soon enough.

Adam and Aubrey said...

UGH! I totally agree about the winter blahs, it's ten times worse after having a child (or 2!). The illness thing totally sucks. Sorry you all got so sick. When you're feeling better, call me! We can let the boys play and complain together!

Curtis and Deedra said...

Yes, that's one of the bad things about winter, everyone gets sick. Try to find yourself a good set of books to read. If you're already trapped inside and don't feel like doing much, then reading or watching movies would be a good thing to do. It was in the winter time when I first read the Harry Potter books 1-5, one right after the other.

Feel better soon!

heather and fam said...

Heather I am coming to kidnap you! Where do you want to go? I'm serious, you need to get out for awhile. I'll call u or you call me.

I feel the same about winter, it especially seems like Jan/Feb drag forever. Hang in there. I'm thinking about you.

Anonymous said...

I'll wish it away with you! We've been lucky this year (knock on wood) and none of us have gotten sick, but I'm still wishing it was nice and warm outside...