Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, January 3, 2009

My boy is 3!

My baby is three!!! Sweet Ty is three. On Blake's birthday I had pictures of us with Blake in the hospital but I left pictures of us with Ty in the hospital out on purpose.  I looked like death no joke.  The day after new years in 05 I was taking Christmas stuff down around our little house we used to live in and I was going down our narrow stairs and slipped and fell down about 4 stairs- slid right down on my butt.  I must have cracked or at least really bruised it because I hurt for months after that.  I was scared I hurt ty because I was 37 weeks pregnant but I had a appointment later that day so I thought I would ask them then. Some girl I didn't know took my blood pressure when I got there and said it was really hight but I wondered if she knew what she was talking about.  The doctor came in and said it was really high and he told me that it wasn't from falling down my stairs.  But tell ya what- don't bruise your tail bone that bad and go into labor the same day.  Ouch!  So my dr. had me go over to labor and delivery to get on monitors to check what the baby was doing.  Well long story short my blood pressure was in the stroke/seizure level so they induced labor and 17 hours later my sweet baby Tyson was born!  He was 6 lbs even and was prefect.  When we took him to the Ped. Dr. a few days later he dropped down to 5lb 5 oz oh he was so tiny.  Bryan could hold his head to his butt in his hand. He got jaundice and had to be in a light bed for a few days but after that he has been healthy.  We are so lucky to have such a good boy in our home.  These are pictures of Ty I  have taken his first two years that are my favorite.  I didn't include the last year because of space but you have already seen most of them from  my blog.  Pictures of his birthday party to be posted when I get time later.  =)  Happy Birthday Tyson!My most recent picture of Ty on my computer.  What a cutie.  =) 


heather and fam said...

Happy Birthday to Ty and Happy Anniversary to you and Bryan! Do you guys still want to do a Jazz game? Which one?

Adam and Aubrey said...

Holy moly. I had no idea about your birthing! You poor thing. I just fell down our stairs here and I thought I ripped my arm out from trying to catch myself. I think it could've worked if I was maybe 50 pounds lighter . . . anyway. Yay for you birthing Ty! What a handsome stud!

Camey said...

So cute! You are just like our family. We have Christmas Anniversary and then my birthday and then Spencers! So much in such a short time. AT least Addelyn was born in June. Happy Birthday Ty!

blair and maisy said...

That Yoda picture is hilarious! Time flies- Happy Birthday!